Late night troubles

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A knock at the door startled you awakening you from your sleep. At first you thought you were dreaming but the knocking got louder, scaring you a little.

You looked to your side to see a soundly sleeping Niall. You felt bad about waking him up but were too scared to go to the door alone

"Niall.....Niall.." You nudged him.

He stirred a little before his eyes slowly peaked open.

"Wha....princess what's wrong? Is everything okay?" He asked groggily.

The knocking sounded again waking him up a little more.

"There's someone at the door," you explained.

A small yawn escaped Niall's mouth as he rubbed his eyes, he glanced towards the clock and his eyes widened, "At 3am!? What the hell,"

"I know, I didn't want to go to the door alone so...."

"You did the right thing," he assured. "I'll go check it out."

He got out of the bed, ruffled his hair to make it look somewhat decent, even though you thought it looked incredible at the moment.

A few minutes later and after a few raised voices Niall came back shaking his head, "Stupid drunk guy got the wrong frickin house," he muttered angrily.

"Has he gone now?" You asked. Niall nodded his head in reply.

"Come here," you smiled stretching you arms out motioning to cuddle him. He smiled lazily, switching the lamp off and wrapping his body around you. He nuzzled his head in your neck, "that idiot ruined our sleep," Niall muttered

"Does he not realise how precious sleep is? It's life," he carried on.

You nodded your head letting out a soft chuckle, "It sure is," you kissed him on the head.

"Sorry for waking you though," you added.

Niall kissed your cheek, "Don't be stupid, who else would scare off the big bad drunk man,"


"Don't worry I'll always protect you gorgeous."

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now