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Today’s the day, it’s finally here, and you were so excited you barely got any sleep last night. Today’s the day you were going to a signing for One Direction. It was very rare for the boys to do a signing since they’ve gotten really big, but they finally decided to do one and you weren’t going to miss it for the world.

You were standing in line waiting for your CD to get signed, the atmosphere was crazy, you could hear girls hyperventilating, others screaming and excited chatter was filling the room. You made good friends with the girl behind you in the queue, she was freaking out as were you to be honest.

“So, who’s your favourite?” she asked. “Niall, he’s just adorable” you gushed. The girl nodded her head, “He is isn’t he. I’m more of a Zayn girl though, he’s just perfect” she squealed, you nodded your head agreeing.

40 minutes later after a lot of nervous shaking and excited squealing you were finally near the front of the queue. There were a group of 4 girls in front of you, you didn’t really pay any attention to them until you saw them go up to the boys. They all wanted to go up to each boy together, first it was Louis, who greeted them with smiles and they asked for a hug and a picture which Louis gladly gave. They did the exact same for Harry, Liam and Zayn, but when they got to Niall their attitude completely changed. Niall greeted the girls with his cute Irish accent “Hello girls” he smiled widely, until one of the girls, the tallest brunette scoffed and said “Oh…did you guys hear something?” they all shook their heads giggling, “Nope me neither, must have been some irrelevant, ugly….” The girl got cut off by the security guard, “Ladies there are other people waiting get your CD signed and hurry along.”

The girl rolled her eyes at the security guard and pushed the CD into Niall’s hands signalling for him to sign it, Niall’s bright happy face had faded it was now red, his eyes were glossy, his head hung low and he looked extremely upset. This made your blood boil, how dare those girls makes Niall feel that way, they weren’t fans, they were anything but. It killed you to see Niall this hurt; this isn’t how you wanted to remember him.

It was finally your turn, taking a deep breath you walked up to Louis and handed him your CD, you were very nervous but just looking at Louis’s welcoming smile made you feel a lot more calm. “Hiya love” he said. “Hi, how are you?” you asked trying to be as casual as possible. “I’m fantastic thanks, want a hug?” he asked. You nodded your head and he gave you a nice big hug. Next you moved along to Harry, “Hi Harry”

“Hi love, thanks for buying the CD” he said showing his cute dimple. “No problem” you smiled and before asking Harry leaned in to give you a hug, which made you want to scream because you just couldn’t believe any of this was actually real.

You moved along to Zayn, “Hiya babe” he smiled. “Hi Zayn” he signed the CD then said “Wanna take a quick selfie? Security hates it but I love them, and I love making them mad” he laughed cheekily, you giggled and nodded your head quickly taking your phone out and snapping a picture, taking a normal selfie and a funny one with both of your tongues out.

Liam was next “Hi babe” he smiled. “Hi how are you Liam” you asked. “I’m very good thank you sweetie” he said whilst signing the CD, whilst he was signing it he kept glancing over at Niall with a concerned face, Liam heard what those girls said and saw what they did and he was just as mad as you about it, he didn’t like seeing Niall upset, especially him out of all the members. “Thanks Liam” you said after he handed you your CD back, Liam smiled and hugged you, then next it was the one you’ve been waiting for more than any it was Niall.

“Hi Niall” you smiled handing him your CD, “Hey” he said with a sad smile keeping his head down. You frowned a little, this was making your heart break. “Nialll?” you said and he looked up a little, “Yeah?” he asked quietly, afraid you were going to say something horrible like those other girls. “You’re amazing do you know that? I wish I could sing like you and play guitar that would be incredible” you said smiling trying to cheer him up. A small genuine smile appeared on his face, “Seriously?” he asked. You nodded your head “Of course. Not only that but…”you leaned in a little acting all dramatic whispering, “You’re also my favourite but don’t tell anyone” you giggled. Niall winked, “Your secrets safe with me.” It looked like you definitely cheered him up a little bit at least. His smile still didn’t reach his eyes though, “Can I have a hug?” you asked. Niall smiled got up and held his arms out and you leaned in to give him the best hug ever, literally no hug could ever beat this hug. You whispered in his ear, “Don’t listen to what those girls said, just look at what you’ve achieved, they’re so wrong about you, I believe in you” you both let go of the hug. Niall looked with wide eyes, like something had just clicked in his brain but you couldn’t figure out what. Then a security guard came up to you saying time was up and you had to leave, so you waved and started to walk away.

Liam nudged Niall in the side, to which Niall yelped a little “Ow Li”

“Niall you idiot, don’t just let her go, look at what just happened. I’m not a strong believer in fate and all that but man….that was fate, she could be the one for you, I saw the way both your eyes lit up when you talked. Go” Liam finished ushering Niall towards the steps which you were just about to go down.

“Wait!” Niall shouted knowing he couldn’t go any further otherwise he would get mobbed. You spun around on your heels startled by that adorable Irish accent, the one which you thought you would never hear in person again, you turned around and walked up to him, speechless.

“I didn’t catch your name” he asked going red and scratching the back of his neck awkwardly. “…” you stuttered. “Y/N beautiful name” he smiled looking at you. “Listen Y/N thank you so much for what you said back there, it really made me feel better, I was erm…just wondering…if-if you err…would like to go get a coffee or something to eat after this is over? I mean if you’re not busy or anything? I mean….” Niall stuttered, you cut him off before he said anything else, “I’d love to” you smiled, still in shock but tried to play it cool. “Wow. I mean great! Is it okay if you wait here for about 15 more minutes then we can go?” he asked a smile widening on his face. “Of course” you smiled nodding and Niall took you by the hand to a room in the back and asked for you to wait for him there, which you gladly did.

Never once did you regret what you did that day at the signing because it got you where you were today, wrapped in Niall’s arms watching a dvd, with a snuggly blanket, with Niall stealing kisses every few minutes. Life couldn’t be any better.

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