First concert in India

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Hope you like it Revati

---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- song ever....

"Thank you guys so much for coming out. You've been amazing India we love you, thanks for making our first concert here so special and memorable, we will be back. Drive home safe. Goodnight!"

Liam finished talking, the boys all waved goodbye as the lights went out and the screaming died down.

During the whole concert you and your friend were fangirling non stop. You couldn't keep your eyes off Niall, he was amazing, you loved them all but he was definitely your favourite.

"I can't believe its over!!!" Your friend shouted, probably from the slight deafness caused by the concert. "Let's wait until most of the people have left to see if the boys sneak back on stage," your friend suggested winking. "Are we allowed?" You asked. "Come on y/n live a little." She pouted. You rolled your eyes playfully "okay then."

*30 mins later*

"I think we should go, I don't fancy being locked in here all night and it doesn't look like anyone's coming on stage," you said to your friend, she let out a sad sigh before nodding her head agreeing "Let's go."

You both walked out of the arena, exchanging a few excited words about the concert

"I'm never going to forget tonight," your friend said, "me too." You agreed.

"Oh and when y......." You got cut off because you accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh I'm so sorry I wasn't looking" you quickly apologised looking up. "Don't worry about it"

Your head immediately shot up, your eyes widened, you could recognise that familiar Irish accent anywhere. Once you were both looking at each other, Niall's eyes softened, a small smile appeared on his face as he looked at you in awe. An awkward cough from your friend beside you snapped you both out of your trance

Niall coughed awkwardly "So..erm you girls came to the show, thanks for coming. Did you enjoy it?" He asked the questioned to both of you, but he couldn't take his eyes off of you. "Yeah we did thanks, we can't believe you finally came to India. We've been wanting you guys to come here for a while now." You explained.

Niall nodded his head "I know. I see the tweets all the time, so I thought I'd do something about it," he winked, "it's a beautiful country, I've always wanted to come here," he added.

"It is. You should definitely check out some of the sights." You advised. "Oh of course we will. That's first on my list of things to do, sorry I didn't catch your name?" He asked.

"Y/n." You answered. "Wow..y/n..I love your name, it's so unique, such a beautiful name." He smiled. "Thank you."

You turned your head to introduce your friend when you realised she wasn't there, Niall realised what you were doing and he put a hand on your shoulder before pointing in a direction. You looked to where he was pointing to see she was talking to none other than Liam Payne. Niall laughed at your facial expression.

"Big fans then?" He questioned, you nodded your head "You could say that." You replied.

"Thank you." Niall said. You furrowed your eyebrows "For what?"

"For not screaming in my face. It's nice to have a normal conversation with a fan, I love to know more about you guys, just like you know about us." He replied. Your mouth formed into a bed 'o' "well... I guess you're welcome."

"Aren't you scared of being mobbed, what are you doing out here?" You asked him. Niall shook his head "nah I had Paul check to see if all the fans had gone and he said the area was clear....well apart from you" he winked making you blush "I like to check out the areas we play, I can just never quite believe we actually perform at these places." He said in deep thought, you nodded your head in understanding.

"Well...I should be going now, my mum will be getting worried if I don't." you said sadly. Niall's face seemed to drop "I you have twitter?" He asked eagerly, you nodded your head giving him your name and he promised to follow you and keep in touch through there, you were definitely fangirling on the inside.

"Well I really hope I'll see you again y/n, bye." He smiled leaning in to kiss your cheek, you're lucky it was dark so he couldn't see the blush on your cheeks. "Bye Niall."

The very next day Niall followed you and sent you a message through DM. Ever since then you two have happily been communicating back and forth.

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