He Gets Hurt On Stage

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“Niall your knee oh my god are you okay?” you asked frantically as they got off of stage. Niall was very brave and he kept on performing even though some fan threw a shoe at his knee, that was operated on only a few months ago. He had been really scared about his knee ever since he got out of surgery just in case something went wrong, you could see the fear in his eyes right now as he looked at you with teary eyes. He didn’t answer your question just shook his head, you hated seeing him in pain.

“Y/n, I’ll drive you and Niall back to the hotel,” Basil, Niall’s bodyguard said motioning for you to follow. He helped Niall up with one arm and you helped him with the other side, both of you walking to the car making sure to take it slow.

You sat in the car after Niall got in, he held your hand kissing it gently, “Princess I’m fine,” he smiled. You put on a sad smile knowing he was just trying to make you feel better, he never liked anyone fussing over him, but you could tell he was just as worried. You shook your head resting your head on his shoulder for the rest of the ride as he rubbed calming circles on your hands.

“Do you need anything else?” Basil asked once you both had gotten Niall to the hotel room. “No thanks Bas,” Niall smiled before bidding him goodbye and shutting the door.

Niall went to sit on the bed, resting against the headboard, he let out a deep sigh before leaning his head back looking at the ceiling. “Niall?” you questioned. His head looked towards you, this was the Niall you were waiting for, the one who needed to get his emotions out. He no longer looked like strong Niall, telling everyone he was completely fine, he looked worried, upset and in pain.

You quickly went over to the bed sitting next to him waiting for him to speak

“I was so scared y/n. I know it was just a shoe and that but what if something terrible happened to my knee, I don’t know what I would have done,” he finished his voice cracking at the end. You brought him into a hug wrapping your arms around his neck as he buried his face in the crook of your neck, he let out a silent sob, you kissed his head and whispered encouraging things in his ear.

After a few minutes he calmed down and you let go of him to face him. “I know the fan didn’t mean it,” Niall said. You nodded your head “I know, she was probably just really excited to see you,”

“Of course she was, I mean look at me,” Niall smirked, you let out a laugh making Niall laugh along with you. “There’s the Niall I know and love,” you giggled.

“So your legs going to be okay right?” you asked seriously. Niall nodded his head “Yeah, they checked it out and it’s fine, it should be back to normal again tomorrow,” he confirmed. “Good,” you smiled leaning in to peck him on the lips.

Niall pouted making you laugh “What?” you asked. “You can’t seriously call that a kiss,” he sassed. “Oh and why not?” you questioned a smile playing on your lips. “Because….it’s just not. You’re not really going to leave your injured upset boyfriend hanging are you,” he teased. You rolled your eyes playfully, “Well…….” You pondered. “The correct answer is no I love you so much Niall now kiss me you amazing sexy Irish man,” he joked. You laughed as Niall pulled you into a deep kiss.

Both of you fell asleep cuddled on the bed and sure enough he woke up the next morning feeling a lot better.

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