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"Do you think if he really cared he would have called already?" You asked your best friend. She turned to you with a sad smile, "I think...." She sighed, "Y/n I think you should....move on," she said the last part quietly. She carried on, "I'm only saying this because I hate seeing you upset especially over him. I want my best friend back," she said sadly.

You weren't even sure if you and Niall had broken up. He can't just throw a year and half's relationship away like that, can he?

You had been quite distant from everyone after the call with Niall. You mentally laughed at the irony....distance...that's what got you into this mess in the first place.


"Hey princess," Niall grinned.

"Hey, you're dressed smart," you observed. Usually for your Skype calls he'd wear his joggers, and maybe a t-shirt depending on the temperature. But this time he was wearing a smart jumper, with ripped jeans.

"Yeah I'm going out with the lads in about five minutes,"

Your smile dropped, "Oh....."

"But I'm still calling you," he added quickly.

You smiled sadly without replying, not really knowing what to say.

Niall and you have been going strong for a little over a year, recently things were getting quite tough. He was away on tour and you missed him like crazy. You both skyped daily, sometimes he'd have to cancel on you because of the shows or interviews, you understood but it was upsetting. He would text you good morning most of the time, but when you replied he couldn't answer because of time zones and his schedule. It really sucked.

"Princess....what's wrong?" He asked looking genuinely concerned.

You took a deep breath not wanting to get into a fight with him, so you tried to explain to him calmly

"I don't want to sound like one of those controlling girlfriends but couldn't you go for a drink in like twenty minutes? I haven't spoken to you properly in weeks" you tried to reason.

"Babe they all want to go now. I can't just change the time because I want to talk to you can I?" That comment stung a little.

You scoffed.

"Don't be like that y/n. Just tell me what's troubling you" he asked running a hand through his hair.

"Fine here goes, you're gone for so long and I understand you have a job to do, I respect that, but you can't even have a little bit of time for me? I text you and you barely reply. Sometimes I want a cuddle I can't...When I'm upset or even when I'm happy, I literally just want to talk to you and I can't even fucking do that" Your voice getting shakier as you kept the tears at bay.

"NIALL TIME TO PARTAAAY" Liam burst through the door behind Niall, once he realised he was skyping you he looked a bit awkward, "Oh hey y/n...." He could probably sense the tension. You sent him a small wave.

"I'll wait outside," Liam decided waving again then walking out.

You looked at Niall to see a blank expression on his face, you bit your lips whilst shaking your head disappointingly, "I can't do this right now," you muttered, "Have fun at your party Niall." You ended the call and shut the screen, letting the tears fall.

*present day*

It's been three days since the Skype call and you've heard nothing. The only life you've seen from Niall was when he tweeted

@NiallOfficial It hurts

You have no idea what that tweet meant but it was tweeted the same day as the call.

Niall Horan Imagines/PreferencesWhere stories live. Discover now