His reaction when someone asks if he loves you

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You and Niall were on your way back from a dinner, Zayn and Perrie were travelling back with you two. It was late and you kept drifting off, Perrie had already gone to sleep her head leaning on the window whilst Zayn drew calming circles onto her hands.

“You tired princess?” Niall asked kissing your forehead. You nodded, “C’mere” he said putting his arm around you, so you could lean your head onto his shoulder, “Sleep” he said whilst kissing your head. A few minutes later you drifted off to sleep. Niall chuckled a little, kissed your cheek and brushed a strand of hair from your face.

“You really love her don’t you?” Zayn asked Niall watching the both of you. “With all my heart. I’ve never felt like this for anyone or anything Zayn, it terrifies me, terrifies me that my whole world is literally right here in my arms and I would do anything to protect her.” Niall said smiling.

“I know you would, I see the way you look at her, everyone does, we all know you’d take a bullet for y/n in a heartbeat, so would I for this one” he said nodding his head towards Perrie. “That’s love bro, I can’t believe our little Nialler’s growing up” Zayn carried on. Niall blushed a little, “Me neither to be honest.” He said.

“You know, every time y/n’s in the room your smile gets 10 times brighter” Zayn stated. Niall looked towards you and immediately his lips turned into an even bigger smile. “I didn’t know that. What can I say, she’s the one for me, I just know it, I don’t know what I’d do without her, whenever I have a bad day she always tries her best to make me feel better and I do the same for her. I love her” Niall said.

Zayn had always been extra protective of Niall, he didn’t really know why but he felt like he had to keep an eye on him more than the other boys, so when it came to girls he was always extra cautious but he smiled knowing his best friend had fallen hard and he was never getting back up and he was happy about that because he loved you and knew you were the one for Niall.

“She’s a good one Niall, don’t let her go” Zayn said. Niall pulled you a little closer to him and replied with “Wouldn’t dream of it.”

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