High school series AU: Excuses

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You weren't popular, but you weren't unpopular either, you were just another student who hated getting up early in the mornings and counted the hours till the school day ended.

Niall Horan on the other hand, he was popular. He had the typical boy next door look that all the girl fell for, including you.

So that's why it didn't surprise you that his table at lunch was currently surrounded by girls giggling like they were on some sort of drug.

"What lesson do you have next?" You asked your friend, whilst taking a bite out of an apple. "History," she groaned. "You?" She asked.

"I have a study period," you smiled. It basically meant you were free to do anything for an hour. "Lucky you, I'd better get going lesson starts in a few minutes,"

"Alright see you after school," I replied.

You decided to go into a quieter area of the school, where there were a few tables and chairs. You put in your headphones and took out a book from which you were supposed to be copying some notes.

A few minutes later you felt a tap on your shoulder breaking you out of your train of thought. You looked up seeing Niall with a small smile on his face. You took out your headphones and he smiled sheepishly, "Sorry to disturb you y/n,"

Niall and you had never really spoken before so this was weird.

"It's okay, do you need anything?" You asked politely.

He nodded his head, "Yeah actually, erm do you mind?" He asked pointing to the seat next to you.

"No go ahead," you smiled. He took the seat and placed his bag down. "You're in my english class right?"

"Yeah," you answered.

"I really don't understand a few things and I can't find anyone to help me. I was wondering if you could....." He trailed off unsurely.

"Sure, which bits don't you get?" You asked.

*20 minutes later*

"Seriously you are the best teacher ever!" Niall exclaimed, "It all makes so much more sense now," he added.

"I'm glad," you chuckled. You expected him to leave now that he had got what he wanted but he didn't. He stayed sat there,

"I'm keeping you company,"

"Oh did I say that out loud?" You asked sheepishly. "Yeah you did," Niall chuckled.

"I can't believe we've been to school together for a while now yet we haven't ever had a proper conversation," Niall said.

"Me too, it's weird. I guess our paths have just never crossed," you shrugged. Niall nodded agreeing.

"Well, I'm glad we're talking now." He smiled.

"Same. Can we go outside and walk for a bit, it's getting a little stuffy here," you asked. He nodded his head, "Of course, who doesn't like a bit of fresh air," he joked.

You both stood up, before you could reach down for your bag he got it and swung it around his shoulder. You looked at him questioningly, "I thought I'd be a gentleman," he shrugged.

"You don't have to do that," you laughed a little. "I want to," he smiled before heading towards the outside doors.

*10 minutes later*

You couldn't stop laughing, "So you're telling me that Kristie....the head cheerleader....tried to get her dad to sue you because you didn't want to date her?" You said in between fits of laughter. Niall laughed along with you, "Yeah I'm being serious."

"Wow." You replied.

"Can I tell you something?" He asked unsurely.


"I've been wanting to talk to you for a while now....and I could never come up with a reasonable way to start the conversation, so....i slightly made up the whole english thing......." He said hesitantly.

You stopped waking to stare at him, he held his hands up in surrender before you started to talk

"So you made me go through all that english when you already knew it?" You asked calmly. He scratched the back of his neck awkwardly, "erm....sort of, but you did teach me some things that I never knew," he added hastily.

You stayed silent, enjoying watching him squirm.

"Oh god you're mad at me aren't you? Why did I say that I shouldn't ha-"

"I'm not mad at you Niall," you chuckled, "just confused," you added.

"You seemed like a really nice girl. And now that I've spoken to you, I know you're a nice girl, I really wanted to hang out with you I guess....."

"That's sweet actually," you smiled.

"I know you barely know me y/n but I'd like to hang out with you again sometime. Preferably when we're not at school. Say this weekend?"

"Like a date?" You asked smiling.

A tint of pink appeared on his cheeks, "Yeah."

"I'd love to."


1. The Night Changes video is PERFECT OMG!

2. If anybody has any preference ideas that you would like me to write comment below (not personal ones sorry, just topic ideas)

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