Requests! :D

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Okay so! I am starting One Shots for the game Until Dawn. I will do the following:

•Character X Character
•Character X Reader
•Character X OC

How they will be written:

•One way is my usual 1000 words One Shots that include what you requested.
•Another way I chose to write them is a short one with a brief amount of words. If revolves around a small idea made by you, and I'll call them Small Shots. ;)

All I ask for otherwise is a decently sized description of what you would like to see in your specific One Shot! What I like to know is...

•When it takes place. (Before, During the Game, or After)
•What you want to occur during the story. (Deaths, Romance, Events)

That's all I ask really.

Request Away Dawners!

And one last thing. If you have any other questions about the One Shots you may ask. Don't worry!

I haven't decided any boundaries for my One Shots yet so I'll make up my mind depending on your plot of the story.

Hope you enjoy!

Request in the comments below!


Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora