Josh X Reader: Parties

506 14 4

Requested by @mlpdawn101!
You diligently prepared yourself for a little event taking place tonight, you all casual for the occasion. A party, or meet up with your closest friends, and even your crush, Josh. Yes. A chance to bond together, or have some time alone, and away from the world. But, that was all crushed, because this party at a bar, surrounded by drunken people, unknown to you, unless it was one of your friends there.

But, that wouldn't hold you down. He would still be there as promised, and you still would be able to feel his presence beside you, the warm presence that brightened up each day that wasn't so bright. The smirk that topped them all. The one that topped them all.

Now it left you to prepare, you throwing on a pair of denim skin tight jeans, and one of your favorite sweaters, wearing a pair of solid black, high heeled shoes that were painful, but super cute-and attractive so to speak- so you didn't care.

Then you realized the clock was ticking, the time falling away like droplets of water from the sky. You felt pressured, but not much left was to do, then you were able to head out.

You rushed to the bathroom, applying your makeup, and perfume, and all that extra flame to what you wore, then taking one deep breath, and flying out like a fly.

You unlocked your car door, starting up the engine, preparing your hands, and feet in a ready position, driving off to the location. Yes, drinking was involved, and it was clear Josh was a heavy drinker, but, he depended on you to keep him sane throughout the night, away from any harm, or trouble. You did enjoy that sweet, delectable, savory taste of your favorite drink once in a while, so you did want to treat yourself to something alcoholic.

The drive did last about 15 to 20 minutes before arrival, but you still managed to stay in the time zone for showing up. You noticed a few familiar vehicles in the parking lot, all belonging to your friends. Seemed like all the boys arrived, and most of the girls, only one missing... Which was you.

You took a spot beside Chris' car. He did have something usually a lady would own in there, leaving you to think Ashley tagged along with him. Definitely for the greater good. Chris was as well as Josh, a heavy drinker, most likely needing a stable ride home after this.

You exited your motor vehicle, approaching the place with such excitement bubbling up inside you. The music blaring from inside was then finding a way out, and into your ears, making you hum along to the beat, recognizing the tune almost immediately, it being one of your favorites.

Opening the door, the audio increased, you entering, soon enough being greeted by the girls.

"Heyyyy!" Jess greeted, her words slurred, her obviously already tipsy.

"Wassup!?" You laughed sheepishly, her doing the same, a bit over the top.

"It's okay! She's only getting started!"
Emily informed, her voice raised above the music.

"Oh boy!" You sighed, your eyes rolling. "Can't imagine her after!"

"What I can't imagine is the treatment Mike's gonna receive later when they reach the car!" Emily mocked, you playfully nudging her shoulder from her 'overly active imagination'.

"Shut up!" You scolded her, beginning to walk away. "Look, I'm gonna go get a drink! See you soon!"

You approached the bar, seeing both Chris, and Josh already overly drunk, passing out from it. You chose to ignore them for a moment, ordering yourself a (Bar Drink Choice).

You sat down beside Josh, waiting patiently for your order, peeking down at him. You rested a hand on his shoulder, shaking his body violently, but he wouldn't wake, nor show any sign of awakening for the next ten minutes.

Eventually, your drink was served to you, the humid vapor around the exterior of the glass, cold, and moist. You raised the drink to your lips, the top of the glass touching them. You tipped it back, the liquid finding its way to fill your mouth with its flavor of (Flavor in Drink Choice). The liquid remained soaked on your lips, you licking it off, the delectable taste returning.

"(Y/N)...." You heard a voice groan, and moan, as a human hand begun banging against your skin.

"Huh?" You looked down in the director of the feeling, seeing Josh coming back to a sort of reality. "Josh? What are you doing."

"Hitting you." He replied, the most honest answer he could give you- or anyone- right now.

"Hey, (Y/N)...?" He slurred, his words extended. You looked down to him, a smile across your face.

"Yes Josh?"

"You know how much- I f*cking love you, right? Like- for real, looooove you?" He spoke wearily, the tone in his voice changing every second. But, what he was saying... Was it true?...

"Josh, you're drunk." You teased, laughing at him, but, he just looked at you like you made a mistake. "You don't mean that."

"No, (Y/N)... I'm serious..." He raised a finger up close to your face, waving it around near your eye. "I do love you..."

Those words played in your mind like they were pulled from a dream. A dream that you rarely experienced.

"R-Really?" You asked, absolutely astonished of what was unfolding in front of you. "Y-You mean that?"

"Hell yeeeeaaaaaahhhh!" He slurred, each word becoming more the less, a joke to you.

"Wow." You smiled widely, you unsure how to take what was going on right then, and there.

"So kiss me." He demanded, your face turning from happy, to completely blank. All those emotions inside just swirling around in your mind right then.

"W-What?" You stammered nervously, shocked of his behavior.

"Come on, (Y/N). Place one right here." He once again raised his finger, tapping his lips like tapping nails on a surface table.

"You can't be serious." You doubted what he said, just trying to laugh it off, but he wouldn't allow it.

"I may be drunk, (Y/N), but, I'm sure of what I want." His voiced changed quickly from childish to serious in a matter of two seconds.

At this point, you didn't know how to respond.


Right then you felt a pair of hands come behind your head, the fingers roaming through your hair. Then, the next thing you knew, there were lips upon yours, kissing you. You were unsure of what to do. Kiss back? Pull away? Obvious decision. You were kissing back.

You fearlessly then put your hands behind his neck m, a smile forming on Josh's lips, felt on your own. He seemed pleased of what was occurring, just as much as you.

Just that last moment, you felt a nibble on your bottom lip before he pulled away from you, your face was heated up, and definitely flushed.

"Wow..." You smiled contentedly, staring into his gorgeous brown eyes. "Your a good kisser... Even if you are drunk." You complimented, him smiling.

"Thanks, I guess." He shrugged, you both ending up laughing weakly.

"Hey, (Y/N)?" A voice spoke up, grasping your attention. It was Chris, finally awake. "You know Josh, and I aren't already drunk, right? That was real."


Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora