Chris X Reader: Zombie Apocalypses Aren't As Fun As I Thought

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Requested by RinkaUrushiba_ !

(Y/F/R/H/M)- Your Favorite Recent Horror Movie.

You cuddled up beside Chris, as his arm draped over your torso, hauling you in closer to him.

Him, and yourself had progressed about ten minutes into this horror movie you had picked to entertain you both tonight.

Wondering what the name is? Well, it is nothing less than your (Y/F/R/H/M), of course! Chris understood how much you adored watching it. No matter how many times you watched it, it succeeds to make you sort've jump out of your skin. No wonder you love it so much. It fills you with a feeling of strength, and empowerment, when you didn't really understand why. It just left you feeling good.

You had watched it once before with one of your close friends, (Insert Name Here) at a nearby movie theatre.

First time, it literally scared the crap out of you. You would always grip onto your friend when scared, and shield your eyes. As well as that, you didn't clearly understand it the first time. You just had to repeat watching it for clearly absorbing it correctly.

As you proceeded to watch, your level of attachment to this movie grew as you had leaned a bit closer to the edge of the lounge.

You were so very intrigued, your (Y/E/C) eyes glued to the screen as you had refused to even blink. Which had reason. This was your favorite part.

"Wait! Wait, wait wait!" You jumped away from his grip as you had sat there, erect. "This is my favorite part!"

"Oh yeah?" Chris held in a laugh. "Reason?"

"Just watch!" You insisted strongly as you lightly hit his leg to keep attentive.

A small smile crept onto your lips as the preferred part of the scene had begun to occur. Everything going as you remembered, the actors making the same movements as they had priorly. Just like you love it.

But, somethings was oddly different.

The TV screen had flickered, until resorting a dark shade of black. The movie had no longer been presenting, which left you slightly on the angry tip.

As well as the TV going black, the room had dimmed gloomy around you, shadows bombarding  each corner.

"Okay, what the hell?" You snarled angrily as your hope to view your favorite part had vanished that moment. "I wanted to watch that." You added disappointedly.

"Wait-" Chris said faintly. "Be quiet."


"Seriously," Chris said more strongly.

You obeyed as you ended speaking, your lips connected as they had been sealed.

He stood up slowly, as he had advanced forward at the same pace. You kept behind him nervously as you both had overheard something odd.

The sound of deep gurgling, and snarling, as feet slowly stomped on the ground. As well as that, traumatized, and tempted screams filled your ears, causing you to whip your head around in all directions to see the vocalizer, and cause.

"Chris?" You croaked as your hands trembled neurotically, your heartbeat quickening to a higher speed, adrenaline firing as your eyes were glossy, and glistening. "What the fuck is that?"

"I don't know," he said softly, as he had slowly made his way to the kitchen.

He had quickly scrambled to the drawers, packed with forks, knives, and spoons. Typically all silverware needed.

He had collected the sharpest, and largest knife he had in the different varieties laid out. It was a butcher knife, its blade shining in the glare entering through the blinds of the window.

"Find a flashlight," he insisted, pointing to you. "Go. Now."

You nodded as you quickly took on the task, approaching the drawer that contained it. You quickly yanked on the handle, sending it gliding open.

You then rummaged through the drawer, as you focused on spotting a neon yellow color, which would stand out, shaped circularly, with its top end black.

Objects were moving around loudly as Chris silently told you to lower your volume by putting his index finger above his lips, making a faint 'shh' sound. He really wasn't aiming on attracting any unwanted attention. This was the only way of doing it.

So, you always obeyed. Only using your eyes, instead of hands to spot out the object. And, there it was. Laying flatly underneath some batteries, and other energetic, and electric materials.

He had drawers isolated like that, so it would be simpler to search for things, and succeed to find them.

"Okay," you huffed, as you turn it on. "We go-"

The sound of banging barges in on your very little speaking causing you to stop in utter shock. The banging seemed to come from
someone, or something hostile. It seemed desperate to get in, which it had succeeded.

One final harsh slam, the glass shatters, small shards shooting in all directions as it spreads throughout the room. That roaring, and gurgling creature busting in.

Its feet smashed penetratingly against the wooden floor, the boards caving in as they had shaped differently.

You shrieked in pure astonishment, as well as throwing yourself behind Chris, trembling with fear.

"SHIT!" You cussed with shock as your hands had sealed your mouth shut to keep you silent.

"Ahh!" Chris yelled, as his grip on the knife became more vigorously. The creature had been decently quick making its way over to Chris, as the knife had raised.

When in close enough distance, he swings it as it slashes the neck of the creature, blood oozing rapidly out of its part, leaving you gagging.

You refused to watch anymore, as you had only heard the sound of constant stabbing, and yelps coming from behind you. "Fuck! Fuck! Oh, fuck!"

By then, the room grew silent.

"... Is it dead?..." You asked nervously as you had slowly begun to view what had been happening behind you.

"Yep." Chris smiled. "Pretty sure that son of a bitch is dead."

You turned back to see the creatures body sprawled out across the floor. The offal oozing, and blood soaking. Damn... That's repulsive.

"That's a fucking zombie.." You clenched your fists.

"It's a start of a zombie apocalypse," Chris muffled a laugh.

"Thoughts about it so far?" You asked out of bitter curiosity, asking spitefully.

"Zombie apocalypses aren't as fun as I thought..."

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora