Mike X Reader: Surprising Questions

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Requested by NerdyGirl1219 !
___________________________ "You gotta go to Prom, (Y/N)."

"No I don't." You protested, talking to your friend Sam on the other end of the phone. "I'm not going unless someone asks me, and so far, no one else has."

"Just come!" She pleaded, her voice persistent to get you to just give in and listen, but you wouldn't budge. "Come with me."

"Yeah?" You said, laughing slightly by what she was implying. "Just to watch you and Josh have a great night? No."

"That's not what I meant-"

"Stop begging, I'm not going..."

With that, you hung up, frustrated to hear her beg any longer. Besides, it was time you head off the high school, the day before this dance that you refused to be a part of. Your mother and father spent a lot of money on this beautiful black dress covered in studs and gems for you, it all wasted after everything went devastatingly wrong. Your boyfriend just had to break up with you a week before the event. Better than the night of, right?

You clutched your bag, walking off to your car, your parents waving you goodbye, only to be treated poorly with you remaining silent as a reply.

You drove off expecting a normal day. One full of those academic classes that you dreaded with a passion, you to the point you felt as bad as to be taunted by an extremely annoying younger sibling instead.

You pulled into the parking lot, Sam immediately spotting you, and dashing to your car, greeting you sweetly.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" She cooed excitedly, pulling you into a friendly hug, you slightly confused of the cause of this action.

"Umm, hey?" You said, pulling away from her, a smile forming on your glossy lips.

"Change your mind yet?" She asked confidently, urging you to say yes.

"Nope." You said disappointedly, causing her to frown almost immediately. You pulled your bag closer to your body, it giving you some sort of warmth.

"Well," she sighed, "you know where I am to tell me when you make the right decision. Don't let not having a date hold you back from having the time of your life."

She left, leaving your mind racing of all the things you would be missing out on. The party, the people, the dancing, prom king and queen, all the fun stuff.

Your date...

You then huffed, clearing your mind, and stomping off to school.

You entered, not having anything hold you back from getting to your locker, and collecting all needed materials for classes. Once you did, you were bombarded by Ashley, her just quickly reminding you of a test, only stressing you out a bit more. Why was Prom stressing you out? Usually didn't happen.

Each class seemed to last an eternity, especially the one including that long ass test that you probably bombed it in the worst way possible. Consider it was honestly 50 questions of pure torture. You were too distracted, your mind racing as if this actual decision was wrong. Sam's words replayed in your head continuously. She told you this morning not to let your decision effect this night, but it was unfortunately. It had to be wrong.

Finally, the school day was coming to its end, leaving the weekend ahead of you. The Prom weekend... Will something happen?... That's all you could think about... Ponder about...

You returned to your locker, still surrounded by students continuously rambling about this party tomorrow, leaving you just tuning them out, but then you felt a tap on your shoulder, you quickly whipping your head around.

You faced a tall male figure, his gorgeous black hair parted to the side, him wearing a denim shirt, a pair of jeans with a definitely dark color. You were familiar with this guy. One that you could admit you had a soft spot for, but you never would show it.

"Hey," he greeted, burying his hands in his jean pockets, a half smile on his face.

"Hey, Mike." You replied back, closing your locker gently.

"(Y/N) right?" He asked, making sure of your name. All you could do was nod, unable to speak at that moment.

"I got a question for you." He said, leaving you deeply suspicious. You suspected it was about tomorrow night by the whole question thing.

"-What is it?..." You asked nervously, seeming to just melt there in front of him.

"Will you go to Prom with me?"

With that you were internally freaking out, but on the outside, you detected this was all a lie.

"Wait- did Sam put you up to this?" You asked angered, hoping he would say the opposite of your expectations.


"Then why are you asking me?" You asked persistently, obviously still not understanding why the actual Michael Monroe chose you over every other girl in that school. Even others out of it he probably could manage to wrap around his finger.

"Because- I like you?"

"Why do you like me?"

"Are you seriously gonna ask all these questions?"

"Yes. Yes I am."

He laughed, enjoying your sense of humor.

"But yes, I'll go to Prom with you." You smiled blissfully, then beginning to walk away from him. "Meet at my house?"

"Sure." He agreed, giving you a wave goodbye. "Bye, (Y/N)."

You left the building, sprinting over to your car, a smile plastered across your face. There was no doubt that you actually were going to Prom. You couldn't reject him. Literally, what idiot would? That is a horrible mistake to reject someone like that. They ask you, you say yes. That simple.

You reached for your phone out of your bag, going to your recently called contacts. You viewed Sam's, then clicking on it to have it begin a call. You heard her voice on the other end.

"Alright." She said happily. "Spill."

"I'm going to Prom." You said swiftly.

"What?" She said, obviously hearing you, but deciding to play dumb just to hear the words again.

"I'm going to Prom."

"With who?!" She asked anxiously, proud you took her advice.


"Mike Monroe? The actual Mike Monroe. That hot guy on the first floor?" She rambled, you smiling as she said the last part.

"Yes, that hot guy on the first floor!" You squealed, hearing her doing the same on the other end.

"I gotta go, I'm telling Josh!" She said through her endless squeals, disappearing off the other end.

You thought about what just happened once again, smiling, your face heated up.

"I'm going to Prom."
#PromGoalz XD

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora