Mike X Reader: All Over You

885 12 7

Requested by @Kimmyfuzzy!
You had invited Mike over to your place as an aid for his recent breakup with Jess. A way to get over her.

Least you had expected was for those two to spilt as fast as they had. Well, besides the fact his dislikes commitment to someone, it may make some sort of sense. And, Jess cheated on him originally, so.

You readied yourself for the occasion, as well as making your home more appealing.

You had done hair, and makeup as you usually would, dressing yourself in a sweatshirt, and jeans. After that, you just cleansed the house up a bit, scrubbing the counters, and fluffing the pillows for an extra spark.

And, that's when you heard a knock on the door.

You sprang over to it, your hand reaching out for the knob to grasp it, it coming into your possession. You twisted it, the door popping open, revealing Mike standing erect affront of you.

"Hey, (Y/N)," he greeted sweetly, smiling as he approached you. His arms wrapped around you, pulling you in close for a hug. It felt a bit more intimate than it should have, as well as passionate. You felt as if his hand were lingering all over your body, when they were just simply rubbing your back lightly, up, and fairly far down.

"Hey, Mike," you wrapped your arms hesitantly around his torso, pulling him in a bit closer as he done the same.

"You doing okay?" You asked him as you pulled out of his grip.

"I'm fine," he said simply, crossing his arms, and bowing his head. "I guess.." He muttered.

"Don't seem yourself," you forced yourself to say, wishing to say something else.

"Same old me," he smiled.

You smiled back in return, beginning to walk over to the couch.

You took a seat, him coming beside you.

You clicked the television on, no specific events planned for when he was here with you. You browsed the channels, looking for simply an action, adventure kind of comedy program, or more preferably, a movie. And by that, you typically meant some sort of Marvel related movie.

And, there was the perfect one for that description.

You discovered Deadpool, which you desired to see. The image appeared on your screen of the main character, dressed in a full red, and black apparel, other colors added in the mix. With two long knives shaping an X on his back. Heh. X Gon Give It To Ya, right?

You feel an arm drape over your shoulders, and a yawn released from Mike's mouth, the grip hauling you in a bit closer.

You smiled unintentionally, the situation seeming slightly uncomfortable for you, you trying to play it off normally.

"I'm gonna go get some water," you informed, standing up, his arm removed.

"I'll come with you," he offered.

"No, it's-"

"Might as well," he added, "I can get something for myself if anything."

"Okay," you gave in, beginning to walk. "That's fine."

You reached the kitchen, yourself retreating to the refrigerator as you searched for your drink. You found a bottle of simple Poland Spring water, bringing it out.

"You want anything?" You asked politely.

"Yeah, just a drink." He said.

"I'll get it for you," you smiled, reaching your hand in.

"No, I got it." He had done the same.

His head leaned over your shoulder, his body somewhat coming with, and his hand rested upon her hip, the other on you hand as it set upon what he wanted. Bit too close for comfort, and overly sexual, so may you add.

"Mike, what's going on with you?" You wiggled away from him, yourself no longer smothered by him, and feeling slight claustrophobia, feeling relief overcome you.

"What are you talking about?" He sighed.

"Don't play dumb, you know what you're doing." You snapped.

"What am I doing?" He crossed his arms.

"Do you not get it?" You remarked. "Getting all over me, like it's not a problem. There is obviously something wrong. You've never done anything like this."

"Nothing's wrong." He forced himself to say.

"You aren't over Jess," you sighed, "aren't you?"


"You miss her, 'special treatment, and attention. Don't you?" You tempted him.

He remained silent.

"Yes, I get it. Kinda odd when it's the opposite. Her cheating on you, instead of you cheating on her." You frowned. "You gotta get over it. You lost her."

"She let me go like it was no problem," he said somberly.

"Then what's the reason for all of this?" You stared, straight faced.

"A way to get her back," he sighed, "understand what she had lost."

"No need to do that," you smiled, coming closer. "Your a great guy, and you know it. Don't hide behind this player reputation, be what you wanna be. Show some sort of commitment, because I know you don't want to do this."

"Kinda don't, honestly."

"Then let it go," you smiled, "let her go." You added. "That's all you need to do."

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora