Matt X Reader: Coaching The Athlete

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Requested by @bellabellabingbong!
Just an FYI, I used the sport chosen in this one shot because it's my sport I play, and I know a lot about it. Hopefully you think similarly! <3
You laid back on a towel, buried under flakes of burning sand, tanning on the beach. You needed a day to yourself, and just get that golden tone you wished for all summer, but it wouldn't come that easily.

You recently slipped yourself into the ocean water, the little droplets still on your arm, cascading down into the sand, soaking it with a tiny wet spot.

Sunglasses rested above your face, the suns bright glare shining in your eyes, them forced to close, yourself dozing off.

But you couldn't sleep at all, being interrupted by a low voice in your ears.

"Are you sleeping, (Y/N)?" An awfully familiar voice stood above you, breaking you away from your rest. You never expected company here, your eyes fluttering open.

"No, Matt. I was just closing my eyes for no reason." You scowled sarcastically, sitting up straight, lifting the lensed sunglasses off of your red tinted nose.

"Alright, God." He backed away, motioning to a group of his football team friends.

"Wait- Matt!" You called, his body turning to face you.


"I wanna do something with you. Come on!" You encouraged childishly, jumping up from the sand.

You noticed a volleyball net set up, a ball on the sidelines, your eyes widening from excitement.

"Wanna play? My turn I coached the football enthusiast." You plastered a smile on your hot features, your hair blowing back, and forth, in and out of your face.

"Sure." He gave in, walking side by side with you.

You swiftly ran for the ball, grasping it between both hands tightly, checking its air pressure. Everything seemed perfect, you lightly bumping the ball up and down, Matt looking at you, impressed.

"Are we gonna play?... Or, am I supposed to watch you this whole time?" He teased, watching as you proceeded to pass to yourself. He knew anything would take you by surprise right now, so, he ran to you, jumping up, and banging the ball to the ground, as if it was a spike. Man, his height advantage is just so useful for good, and bad reasons.

"Matt! You-" you paused yourself, biting your tongue, your teeth gritted. "Motha." You contained cursing, him feeling achieved with what he had done.

"Get the ball, and let's go." He demanded strictly, pointing in the direction it rolled, carried by the wind.

You reached it, taking it again, and choosing which side of the net you preferred more, him taking the remaining one for himself.

"You know how to play?" You asked, the ball put under you arm, against your side.

"We're about to find out."

You nodded, taking the ball in your left hand, leaving your dominant one usable. You threw the ball up, it only inches away from your head, using the power you possessed, slamming the ball into your hand, it flying over the net.

Matt, on that side, knew how to go all out when it came to sports. The ball falling close to the ground, he dove for it, it contacting his hand, hovering up, and over the net, returning to your possession.

You then readied yourself, your arms set for a bump, to cleanly pass back over to the opposing team, if you may call Matt a team.

The ball momentarily hit your arm lightly, skimming the net, and falling down into the sand, Matt unsuccessful with returning. That was one of your tricks. Confusing the enemy into thinking the ball wouldn't gently fall over.

"Point!" You cheered contently, proud of being the first to score.

"Okay, no." He objected, refusing to allow that to pass. "That's impossible."

"Anything is possible."

"If I dove for that, I mean- immediate death." He laughed, continuing to make up endless excuses to keep that play going.

"Matt, too bad! It's just a game, nothing personal." You approached the white volleyball, tossing it over to him after looking it over. "Here. You serve."

He accepted, returning on the outskirts of the court, far back, spinning the ball in a circle. He threw the ball high up above of him, jumping into the serve, it successfully over the net, contacting you arm, soaring back over.

He ran into the play, diving, the ball flying over your head, your height not coming in advantage this time.

"Woo!" He cheered blissfully, happy seeing the ball fall inbound.

"Since when were you that good?" You asked, perplexity overcoming you.

"Since I watched you play, taking all those lectures as an assistance." He smiled widely, you nearly about to throw the ball over, instead keeping it in your possession.

"Alright. Well I think I'm done." You announced, him looking at you, slightly upset, him pouting.

"What? No!"

"Hell yeah!" You cooed, dropping the ball in the sand, approaching your towel.

"So, you're just gonna leave me here?" He asked, continuing to make a face to persuade you to stay, it all failing.


"Well then I'm playing with the guys. Whoop their asses." He said confidently, glancing at them, running his hands together.

"You do that." You encouraged him, a thumbs up coming to your fingers, yet another smiling appearing.

"I will." He replied.

"Good luck!"


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