Emily X Jess: Girl Time

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Requested by jesslivdahl !

"Hey," Emily greeted somberly as she entered inside Jess' Hospital room.

They had just recently returned close to home past the events on Blackwood Mountain. Emily earned a few stitches for her open kneecap, and bite from the Wendigo on her neck. Jess on the other hand, claimed scars all over her body. She felt as if there was no place whatsoever that didn't have a bloody wound deeply slashed into her pale skin.

She felt so insecure to even uncover her body of those blankets that kept her warm, and away from  the view from her neck, down. Never mind have to be seen in public, she barely wants to be seen by her own friends. It was bad enough up above her neck, just imagine what would come further down.

"Hey," she croaked tiredly, as her body maneuvered to a comfortable position, wincing each, and every move.

"How're you feeling?" Emily asked with concern, approaching to her friend.

"Don't know if I could feel any worse," she forced a smile. "How about yourself?"

"Okay, I guess," she dug her hands into her jacket pockets, warming her freezing hands. "Just in pain, like everyone else."

"Oh, okay." Jess' smile had been removed from her features as she had slumped down in the Hospital bed, her arms crossed beneath her chest.

"Look, I just wanna say I'm sorry for going so hard on you tonight," Emily sighed solemnly, "really was a bitch to you, and you didn't deserve it."

Jess' crystal blue eyes shot up to her in pure shock, remaining silent.

"Wasn't right that I treated you like crap for just spending quality time with your boyfriend," she added empathetically. "I'm really sorry."

"Em, it's okay." Jess choked back minimal cries, and held in tears that begged for an escape. "Don't fret it, I'm over it. Besides, I was leveled with you for being a bitch, so. Don't say you're the only one that has to say sorry."

Emily laughed. "Not exactly. I was much worse," she sighed.

"Don't get so hard on yourself," Jess said supportively, "it was a rough night. For everyone."

"But, look at you." Emily muffled a laugh. "I made it must worse, topping your near death."

"But, I'm alive, aren't I? Because Mike got to me before it was too late." A tear shed from Jess' glossy eye, cascading down her cheek as she thought of his heroism.

"Lucky for you. You actually got a boyfriend who cares," she scowled.

Jess' face went blank after hearing Emily's change of mood, considering Matt as the one who didn't care.

"What are you talking about?" Jess asked lightly.

"Fucker left me to die on a fucking tumbling tower." Emily snarled with annoyance. "Would you give a sh*t about him?"

Jess was silent for a moment. "Probably-"

"He just jumped!" She added strongly. "And, didn't even care to grab my hand. Like, seriously?"

"There might've been no other way," Jess sparked up softly, speaking in only a faint whisper. "You never know."

"Just- stop." Emily snapped dismissively. "Don't want to talk about him anymore. It's working me up."

"Then, don't even think about him." Jess suggested. "Fuck him.
If he doesn't care about you, then don't waste your time caring about him."

Emily laughed, enthused. "You're right." She said. "Fuck him."

Jess chuckled with accomplishment.

"But, speaking of boyfriends, where's Mike anyway?" Emily asked with confusion, but very little concern.

"Went to see Sam, I'm pretty sure." Jess said. "I know those two blew up the Lodge, so, he obviously needed to see her."

"Yeah, they did." Emily smiled. "Did it real good, too."

"I'm glad," Jess smirked. "But, I don't know if him, and I really belong together."

"What?" Emily remarked with perplexity. "Are you serious?"

"I don't know, honestly." She sighed. "We had it good. And now, I don't know what to say about him. He's just- different."

"Different bad?" Emily said.

"No, but- different to the extent he isn't the same Mike that stepped onto Blackwood Mountain, when he stepped off, if that makes sense." She said somberly, with her eyes becoming glossy once more. "I don't think we'll work out, anyway, so, what's the point."

"Aww, Jess." Emily approached closer. "Sorry it didn't work out. Well, not really, but-"

Jess chuckled. "Thanks." She said sarcastically.

"Well, it's a good thing." She said with a smile.

"Why's that?" Jess asked.

"More girl time, am I right?" Emily chuckled with content.

"Sounds better than being with any guy." Jess smiled. "You're way better just because you and me are like the same person."

"That's mean we're cool, right?" Emily asked.

"Cooler than cool."

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora