Josh X Reader: Crazy Over You

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Requested by PastelLilah !
It has been a week since the horrible tragedy of Josh's twin sisters Hannah and Beth. All because of a stupid prank they pulled on Hannah, they just disappeared.

You drove up to the asylum Josh had been staying in. He's no longer who he used to be. He is full on depressed. He hallucinates in the nights. He's not himself.

The building seemed up to date. Wasn't as old as the usual asylums seen are. It was a bit of a depressing building. Grey and Black on the outside. Similar in the inside. But not old, and broken as they usually are

You stepped out of your white car grabbing all your personal belongings needed inside. When walking up the front door, you took a deep breath and entered with confidence.

You walked up to the front desk seeing a lady looking as in her early 50's. "Um, excuse me?" You approached the desk. She greeted you with a smile. "How may I help you." She looked down to her keyboard ready to enter a name.

You shot a smile back to her. "My name is (Y/N). I'm here to see Josh Washington." You spoke firmly. She gave you a frown. "Mr. Washington?" Hearing the name made her seem different.

You gave her a nod. "Is something wrong?" You studied her expression. She seemed upset to hear his name. "He's not in the best condition." She placed both hands on the counter of the desk.

You kept silent from a moment until finally speaking up. "That's fine. I just want to see my friend Josh Washington. Where is he?"

She looked in her computer. "He's down that hall to your right." She pointed. "Room 143."

"Thank you." You followed the directions the lady gave you. You walked up to the door rather hesitantly. You were so nervous to see him. Just seeing him upset made you feel the same way. You hated to see him like that. But, you were one of not many people that could make him feel himself again.

You raised your hand up close to the wooden door. You made a little fist knocking on it softly. You heard Josh's familiar voice. He sounded like he has been crying for a long time. "Come in." He croaked. The door unlocked as you twisted it to the side slowly entering. You peeked through the crack to see Josh sitting against a wall. His eyes glossy. Tears dripping from his cheeks. "Josh...?" Your voice was faint. He looked up to you. "(Y/N)?" His face was flushed. He looked as if he has been crying every second ever since the incident with his sisters.

You walked over to Josh sitting next to him. "Hi Josh." You greeted him kindly respecting his feelings. "W-Why did you come?" He sniffled. You gave him a smile. "Because I care about you, Josh." His crying seemed to be coming to an end. But not completely over. "I miss them so much (Y/N)." Tears shed from his eyes again. He understood that was the reason you were there. About his sisters. "I could've done something..."

You frowned. He's blaming himself for all of this. "Josh. It wasn't your fault--" His voice cut you off. "Yes it is (Y/N)! They blame me every day!" His voice was loud. Harsh. Strong. "What? They?" Your voice was soft compared to his. You would never raise your voice to him. Especially when he was like this. "Every night.. I hear their voices.. I see them.. They always tell me... Blame me... Ask me.. Why didn't you save us Josh... Why did you want us to die..." He put his head in his knees. You heard his cries. His sobs. "Josh.. I'm so sorry.." You placed a hand on his shoulder very gently. He didn't stop his cries and sobs. You felt terrible that he felt this way.

You put your hand on his back and begun rubbing it. He leaned his head on your shoulder. "I'm sorry you had to see me like this-" You cut him off. "Josh. There is absolutely no reason to be sorry. Trust me." You felt your eyes become a bit glossy. Not as much as his though. "I miss Hannah and Beth deeply. And I wish I could have prevented this too but, you shouldn't blame yourself. Blame the others that were involved." My words came out slowly. I hesitated saying the names of his sisters. They felt as if they were actually family to me.

"I try." He spoke between cries. "But I can't." I looked at him in disbelief. "Yes you can! Just stop blaming yourself. If Mike wasn't a jerk to your sister just making her believe he actually like her that way, this wouldn't have happened." Mike was like a brother to you. But when he had done what he had done, you haven't spoke to him since.

"(Y/N). I just really need to thank you." He wiped his eyes. "You have always been there for me. No matter what." He tried to smile but failed.

You smiled. "That's what good friends do, right?" He let out a small laugh at your comment causing you to laugh with him. "There he is..." You chuckled.

Josh stared into (Y/E/C) eyes with confusion. "What?" His smile finally reappeared.

"The Josh I know."
Here's another One Shot! Hope you guys liked it!



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