Mike X Reader: Hair Color

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Requested by NerdyGirl1219 !
You fondly admired the new bluish color you added into you originally (Y/H/C) locks, brushing lightly through its softness. You were so mesmerized by the color, you didn't realize Mike had walked in.

"Oh, hey!" You greeted ecstatically, dropping the brush on the bathroom counter.

"Hey," he greeted kindly, approaching you, and placing a soft kiss upon your lips.

You rested your hands upon his shoulders, his own wrapping around your waist lovingly.

"Like my new hair?" You smiled brightly, running your fingers through it in complete awe. God, how much you loved it.

"Not a fan." Mike said disappointingly, giving you a disapproving look.

"What?" You remarked sadly, removing your hands from his shoulders, your smile fading away.

"Your hair was so beautiful before." He complimented, trying his best to make more out of the situation.

"I didn't like it like that." You sighed, pouting.

"I did." He said simply, smiling at you seductively. "It was sexy."

"Mike. Stop," you laughed softly, looking at him. "You're trying to make the best out of this, and you aren't slipping that easily."

"Fine, fine." He gave in, sighing softly. "But, that was true."

"Quit it, lover boy." You said mockingly, shaking out of his tight grip.

He huffed, taking slow steps backwards, leaning his back against the wall, crossing his arms beneath his chest, just looking at you in a sort of trance.

You came to notice him, his eyes focusing directly on one thing.

Your Hair.

"Mike, are you staring at me?" You asked, a mischievous smile arising on your lips.

"Uh, no!" He said guiltily, clearing his throat. "No," he lightly scratched the back of his neck, taking his eyes off you.

"You liar- you were staring at my hair, weren't you?" You continued to tempt him teasingly, approaching close to him.

"Well, I mean, there is more to you that looks better." He said shakily, slowly coming ahead of you, returning his arms around your waist, yours around his neck.

"Alright, you've gotta be kidding me." You laughed weakly, lightly roaming your fingers in his hair.


"You're guilty, Mike. You like my hair. You don't just like it, you envy it." You blamed flirtatiously, resting a hand on his cheek.

"Pfft, suuuure." He rejected falsely, working hardest to keep you away from knowing his hidden truth.


"Fine," he gave in, sighing, engaging deep eye contact with you. "I reeeaaaally like your hair." He confessed, smiling sheepishly.

"Aww, babe. Why were you lying?" You asked cutely, crinkling up your nose, breaking into a smile.

"Because, I want it too." He spilled, softly pulling your hair to the side, feeling its pure softness, looking fondly of its color, and you.

"Oh really?" You asked contentedly, removing your hand from his cheek, placing it gently on his, grasping it.


"Aww, Mike!" You cooed, excitement fulfilling you up entirely. "We could be twins!"

"Yeah!" He encouraged happily, looking at you with such amusement. "No..."

"What? Why?" You pouted sadly, quivering your lower lip. "We could've been the cutest couple..."

"If that's what you want," he said softly, squeezing your hand tightly. "I'll do it for you."

"So sweet." You smiled gratefully, cupping his face in your hands, planting yet another soft kiss on his desperate lips, smiling. "I love you."

"I love you too, (Y/N)." He whispered romantically in your ear.


In a matter of three days, you returned to the parlor with Mike, hand in hand walking, entering through the front door, a bell ringing rather loudly.

You brought him to a seat, looking to one of the barbers, explaining briefly the color he preferred, which was blue, and where he wished it to be, which was mostly his whole head.

Then she was at work, leaving you spectating away, a smile keeping onto your lips.

You watched anxiously as they applied the bleach in his black hair, it changing it to a blond color.

"Woah, Mikey, you look pretty hot as a blond." You sneered flirtatiously, resting your hands upon his shoulder.

"Thanks, (Y/N)." He laughed happily, always pleased hearing that nickname you had given him, his hand wrapped around yours, your fingers intertwined.

Then, you were left waiting.

You sat patiently on one of the chairs, watching carefully as they inserted the color, you enjoying it already.

And it was over.

"(Y/N), don't look yet." He demanded firmly, your eyes closing tightly.

You stood up off the chair, taking two steps forward, you arms crossed, and your (Y/E/C) eyes shut.

"Okay, 1...." He said wearily, his voice coming closer to you... Or farther... "2...."

By now, you were overly anxious, you then feeling a pair of hands grab hold of your shoulder blades, pushing you forward, and outside, a gust of wind hitting your body.


Your eyes shot open, you looking around for Mike.

He wasn't there.

"Mike-" you frowned, looking in all directions. Then, you feel warm arms wrap around you, hugging you affectionately, a bit of laughter escaping his, and your mouth.


You turned to face him, seeing the new color to his hair. You admired it more observantly, running your fingers through it.

"Waaaaoooowwww, Mike." You smiled brightly, continuing admiring him. "Even better with blue."

"I know," he said selfishly, you playfully nudging his shoulder.


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