Chris X Josh: Preventing Pranks

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Requested by Da_Fazbear_45 !
"Josh!" I called helplessly, watching as my friend disappeared down a flight of stairs, angrily, reducing chances to even come and notice the two, attempting to gain his attention.

"Sh- should we go after him?" Ashley croaked in pure demolishment, and utter shock, staring to Chris, unable to contemplate what was left to do.

"I'll go." Chris offered vigorously, taking a step closer in the direction Josh stormed off in.

"I should come with you-" she requested reluctantly, grabbing hold of his lower arm.

"No," he turned her down fondly, commanding she'd sit back down, and just regain herself from the seance. "I'll go, you stay here."

She struggled to battle him into allowing her to follow, giving in entirely to just remaining back.

Chris then scurried down the staircase, seeing no sign of Josh as he reached flat terrain, observing around him curiously.

The next thing he heard was a small bang not too far away, alerting him to follow it, and maybe inspect to see if that was where Josh disappeared to.

"Josh!" He called again, more boldly now, proceeding to advance forward, gaining speed as he walked hurriedly down to the hall.

Footsteps could be heard clearer, the farther he progressed, a silhouette turning a corner sharply, disappearing.

"Josh, I know you hear me." Chris shouted more irritable than before, knowing he obviously could hear him.

"Bud out, Chris." Josh snapped harshly, his voice decently close.

"No." Chris insisted, feeling stronger than ever before, the footsteps heard coming to a stop, a door slamming loudly in his ears.

Chris followed the sound, stopping directly in front of a door, fisting his hand, and preferably banging to become noticed.

"I can't talk right now, I'm busy." Josh excused from inside, trying his best to shoo him off.

"No you aren't, let me in!" He insisted strongly, jiggling the knob, keeping a tight hold on it.

"Kinda can't." Josh continued annoyedly, proceeding on with his task at hand.

"Yeah?.. Why." He asked broadly, releasing the grip on the knob.

Only silence reached him from the other end.

"Josh, let me in."

He waited impatiently, searching around the door for anything resourceful to use, and get that door open. And there that resource was.

Its key.

He quickly snatched it up off the ground, putting it firmly in the keyhole, and turning it.


He entered, seeing an array of cameras, all for throughout Mount Washington, images including their eight friends there, a white mask, and a syringe placed on the surface table.

"Josh, what the hell is going on here?" He scowled anxiously, looking at the items with a frown, his face going straight blank.

"Look, it's not what it looks like-" he pleaded nervous, caught guilty in his own personal hideout.

"Not what it looks like, you think?" Chris snarled, throwing his hands in the air. "Why is there a mask, and syringe on that table."

"I was pulling a prank, okay?" He confessed defeatedly, returning back into his seat. "I need that satisfying revenge on who pulled that prank last year, including yourself."

"Josh, why would you even think of doing this. Do you know how extravagant that is? People could've been deeply hurt with that thing." He pointed to the syringe, lying flatly on the counter.

"You don't understand."

"I do, Josh." He insisted.

"No, you don't. Were you the one to lose two of your sisters?" He snapped angrily, returning on his feet.


"Then that settles that." He said, now nonchalantly, his voice calming.

"Josh, you can't just do this anymore." Chris continued to plead, so far, nothing turning out well.

"It's the way I'm handling my grief." He sighed, upset, slowly browsing through a folder full of medical papers.

"That's a pretty bad way." Chris laughed briefly, looking at him in disbelief.

"It's my way. They pranked Hannah, and Beth, I get back to them the same way."

"But, yours is worse. Saws? Chasing Sam out of the bath? Come on." He frowned disapprovingly, peeking down at his plans, viewing many of the blueprints spread out.

"I get it. It may seem like overreacting, but, not to me." Josh said simply, continuing to search around for anything else important.

"Josh, don't do this-" Chris begged, continuing the decrease the height of his lips.


"Just don't." He continued, saying that more strong now.

Josh closed the folder, feeling himself taken over. He turned off the cameras, ripped up the blueprints, and tossed out the mask.

"There." He sighed, slamming his hands his side. "I'm not doing it."


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