Mike X Reader: Boyfriend Goals-Fight For You

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Requested by @bellabellabingbong!
You recently just returned back to school after the events on Blackwood Mountain, always being blackmailed, and asked about your injuries, but also bullied.

People would never believe you about those cannibalized creatures. Always saying your imagination is overly filled with things that aren't actually true. But they are.

You walked side by side with Mike, hand in hand, it always soothing to have him there with you. He was able to protect you from those people, and assisted you in removing those memories from your current thoughts.

And he was always useful for these kind of things, always sticking up for you. And, especially now, he was there at the perfect time.

"Hey, (Y/N), what happened on the mountain?"

"What's that bruise?"

"What's wrong with your friends? Pranking?"

You continued to stare ahead of you, taking a deep breath, doing your very best to shut the people out around you.

"Why did you go back?"

Mike came to notice the pain in your eyes, and the annoyance you felt.

"Can you guys just back off?" He asked rudely, squeezing your hand tighter.

"We were just asking a question-"

"And she doesn't want to answer." He simply said, pulling you ahead, away from the group of people who asked too many questions, leaving you uncomfortable. "Let's go."

You followed him quickly ahead, keeping away from speaking.

"You okay?" He asked, showing his empathy.

You nodded your head, assuring him he did his part, getting you away from the situation.

Compared to the rest of the group, you were the one commonly asked questions, getting it worst in injuries than others. Mike did get it bad, but no one talked to him about it. They just continued to treat him like they did the year before.

"Alright. So, can I- slip away for a minute?" He asked, releasing your delicate hand, it falling to your side.

"Yeah." You said softly, peering around at the surrounding students, glaring at you, leaving you nervous, and once again, uncomfortable.

"Be careful." He said, smiling weakly, slowly walking away in another direction.

You approached a wall, leaning your back against it, bowing your head to the ground, refusing to look up at anyone else, trying to hide your face.

As you stood there, you heard heavy footsteps coming towards you, peeking up. There stood a group of guys, or preferably called the ones that bully.

"Hey, (Y/N), got another stupid story to tell us today?" One said harshly, his surrounding friends laughing a bit.

"I'm telling you, they aren't fake." You protested nervously, staring at one of the guys angrily.

"Yeah, right. Your friend got cursed on a mountain, and became a 'Wendigo'? Tell me how I'm supposed to believe that." He mocked you, briefly describing a story you once told.

"Go see for yourself." You told him, crossing your arms confidently.

"I'm not wasting my time." He snarled angrily, his eyes seeming like they darkened, his attitude doing the same.

"You won't be." You added on, continuing to encourage him.

"Shut the fuck up." He scowled ferociously, him taking a step closer to you.

"No." You refused, feeling a determined part of you take over, you usually not this persistent.

"Did you just talk back?" He asked rhetorically, you feeling the urge to answer.

"I did."

"Why even try stand up for yourself. You don't have Mike here to save you."

You didn't reply, that feeling just as bad as a punch in the face.

Then, you typically got one.

He raised a hand up, slamming his palm on the side of your face, it striking one of your unhealed wounds, jerking your head to the side.

"Hey, get your hands off her!"

A familiar voice of your protective boyfriend entered your ears, you feeling relieved. Still, you felt that pain on your cheek, raising your hand to touch it, a red substance brushing onto your fingertips.

"Speak of the devil." The one who abused you muttered, looking at Mike, angrily.

"What do you think you're doing to her?" He said lividly, standing in front of the boy, his face full of rage.

"Get out of here, Munroe." He tempted, shoving Mike backwards.

He wouldn't let that pass.

He threw a punch to the boys face, striking him harsh on his cheek.

"Oh, did I hurt you? Did you feel- a little bit of pain? Well, I'm so sorry- maybe it's time you felt what she feels." He said protectively, standing up for you. You always admired him for being that way, always wishing you could do the same thing in return, but he usually was good at handling these things himself.

"You're gonna regret that." Your abuser said finally before walking away in defeat.

Mike looked to you, a small smile curving his lips upward.

"Thank you." You said appreciatively, approaching him, wrapping your arms around his torso.

"You're welcome." He hugged back, holding you tightly.

"You didn't have to do that." You told him, a smile appearing upon your features.

"I did it because I love you."


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