Chris X Josh: Pranks

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Requested by SqueezyBee !
Josh sat in class, tapping his pencil on the desk, slightly getting on the teachers nerves.

"Joshua!" She snapped, pointing to him. "Stop!"

He placed his pencil down on the desk, peeking over at the time. It was about 10 minutes left until the end of class, and there was nothing left to do for the remaining few minutes.

Considering Josh always wanted to be entertaining and just a pranking maniac, he kept thinking about what to do. Chris was in the desk behind him. He turned back to him. Chris was his Cochise. Partner in crime. But this was something he refused to be a part of.

Josh frowned, facing the front of the room. He looked up to the ceiling, biting at his bottom lip. It was something he would constantly do when bored or thinking. He has come to call it a habit. Even his sisters would do it.

He looked up to the teacher once again, as she stared up from her chemistry book. She looked at him with such hatred in her eyes as if she despised him. That was seemed to be the situation. Josh wasn't one of her favorite students.

Something sparked his mind. An idea to prank the teacher. Writing on the white board.

He stood up from his chair, keeping an eye on his teacher. She looked at him confused of why he was standing up. She ordered him to sit back down but he didn't do so.

"I'm getting a chemistry book." He lied, flashing a brief smile.

She nodded her head, her eyes locking back into her book.

Josh walked over to the large shelf full of books upon books with all things scientific. He stared to the large white board, a mischievous smile coming across his features. He looked over to Chris, silently telling him to grasp the teachers attention and keep it.

Chris seemed to understand as he nodded his head up and down. He turned to the teacher speaking up.

"Excuse me." He interrupted the long period of silence.

She lifted her head up to face him. She adjusted her thin lensed glasses before doing anything else.

Josh stepped behind her, still going unnoticed. He grabbed a black Expo marker, pulling the cap off. He lightly write upon the board 'Loser' with an arrow pointing down to the teacher.

"Umm- what is the percentage of the most abundant gas in the atmosphere?" He forced himself to say as he found himself under a large amount of pressure.

Josh face palmed, capping the marker, and putting it back where it was last.

"Oh Christopher." She laughed, weakly smiling to him. "It is 79% Nitrogen." She replied, placing her book down on her small desk in the center of the room.

Josh once again returned to the shelf of chemistry books, grabbing one, and returning to his seat.

The class begun to break out into small giggles and other obnoxious laughter.

"What?" The teacher looked to them all, the smile once on her face disappearing.

One of the students pointed above her, laughing lightly once again.

She turned back, viewing the black offensive text written on the board.

She turned back to the class, her face now full of anger and frustration. "Which one of you did this nonsense?" She peered around the room, her eyes pinpointing on Josh. "Joshua Washington! Was it you?"

He nodded his head, slumping down in his chair. He tried acting somewhat sorry, but all he wanted to do was burst out into laughter once again.

"Oh! You-" Her livid rage was cut off by the sound of the bells ringing throughout the school. All students were dismissed to go home.

Everyone grabbed each book needed, and begin motioning to the exit. Except Josh. He felt a hand take hold of his hood on his grey sweatshirt.

"What?" He huffed, looking at his teacher.

"Don't 'what' me! That is very unacceptable behavior you showed me!" She scolded, pointing over to the board.

"I thought it was funny-" Josh smiled only to be yelled at once more.

"Nothing funny about it! All you can expect in the next week is detention, Joshua!" She raised her voice awfully loud.


"Now leave!"

Josh did as told, exiting the room into the open hallway. He was the last one out. Almost half of the school has already left. But Chris still remained.

"Josh?" He piped up, approaching his best friend.


"What was all that screaming about?" He asked concerned, his eyes focusing on the classroom.

"It was all about the prank. I got detention." Josh sighed, gripping his books tightly in his arms.

"I'm so sorry, bro." He smiled slightly, patting Josh on his back.

"It's fine, just- whatever."

"Hey," Chris felt a smile come to his features. "I know how to make this better."

"What?" Josh asked, becoming more intrigued.

"Let's go Laser Tagging!" He recommended, his eyes beginning to glow in happiness.

"Sounds good!" Josh smiled, regaining himself.

"Yes!" Chris slammed his locker door shut, putting his backpack upon his back.

"Lead the way, Cochise!"

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