Matt X Reader: On My Mind

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Requested by Yandere_YunoGasai !
You walked through the halls of your high school, fellow students known to you at their lockers grabbing the needed books for the next few classes.

You yourself had just parted ways with your recent boyfriend. The relationship wasn't perfect. Hell, you didn't even last a month with this guy. You go through boyfriends like you go through hot dinners. It's absolutely problematic when some of them were originally close friends to you. But you were that jerky, player kind of girl. Wasn't the best thing, but you seemed to like all the recognition.

Many students would call your name, trying to gain your attention. You were like the queen of the school. Big GIRL on campus. Besides your closest friend Michael Monroe, you had your small groups of different people you would meet up with.

Many people asked why you and Mike won't just become a couple. You both were the most known people throughout the entire school. You both even flirt when you don't even realize, but that isn't the point. You decided to just be friends.

As you were walking the halls, you noticed a tall jock, wearing a purple and white letterman jacket, with grey sweatpants, and black sneakers walking to his class. You never seemed to notice him before until now. You wished to speak to him, but it was too late.

You gripped your books tightly in your arms, approaching your math class. Entering the doorway, you approached your two friends, Jess and Emily.

"Hey girl!" Jess piped up cheerfully, smiling brightly up to you.

"Heyyyy!" You laughed weakly, sitting in between both girls. You placed all your heavy books on the desks surface, them making a banging sound as they fell.

From that point, you remained silent, thinking about that jock you previously saw. A smile came to your lips just thinking about him.

"(Y/N)!" Emily snapped, ending your train of thought. He just got the best of you to the point you blocked everyone out around you.

"What?" You spoke firmly, slightly upset to be interrupted.

"You need to stop doing that!" She laughed, pointing at you.

"What did I do wrong?" You asked more persistent, your voice slightly raised.

"You're daydreaming, (Y/N)." She mocked, nudging your shoulder.


"About what? Huh?" Emily raised one eyebrow, awaiting an answer, leaning in closer to you.

"Just... A guy.." You admitted, lowering your face to hide a slight blush. You usually wouldn't do that, but with him you did apparently.

"Again (Y/N)? This is like the fifth one this month." She laughed at you in a teasing manner, looking at you with disapproval of your continuos breakups and new dates.

"Don't go that far. Besides, it was only like two." You corrected her overreacting before she could complain anymore about you.

"Well, who is this guy?" Emily asked, becoming excited and intrigued to find out more about this guy with your detailed descriptions.

"He's a jock. Wore a letterman jacket, sweatpants, and sneakers. Just perfect." You smiled, obviously imagining him in your head once again.

"Ooooo!" Jess cooed, bothering you slightly. "Looks like (Y/N)'s got herself a lil' crush!"

"Speak the obvious," you sighed, "I always do."

"Totally talk to him!" Emily insisted, giving you a thumbs up.

"Shouldn't be a problem for you." Jess continued to tease with loads of sarcasm.

"Shut up!" You snapped, laughing in the mix. "Fine. I'll talk to him. God."

It neared the end of the day, only about 5 minutes remaining until the weekend comes. You were talking with Jess and Emily as they bugged you to show them what this boy appeared to look like. You gave in eventually after their begging and pleading got onto your nerves.

"Okay. There. The one with the purple letterman jacket." You pointed, Jess and Em looking to him with wide smiles.

"Woah... He's cute.." Jess mocked, clapping her hands together lightly.

"Hey, back off Jess." You spoke sternly, crossing your arms.

"Just go talk to him! Stop stalling!" Emily demanded, pushing you playfully.

"Alright. Alright. I'm going."

"By the way!" She called. "His name is Matt."

You approached the tall jock. He seemed to become taller the closer you were to him. You stood there, taking a deep breath in before tapping lightly on his shoulder.

"Hey. Matt, right?" You asked, him turning to face you.

"Yeah. (Y/N), right? Heard a lot about you." He smiled, closing his locker door.

"Yeah. Yeah." You nodded, flashing a smile to him.

"So, what's up?" He asked, beginning conversation.

"Talking to you, I guess." You laughed, him cracking a wider smile. He seemed to make you feel differently than other guys. One that had charm but definitely a kind heart. One that you felt you could keep a healthy relationship with instead of parting a month after meeting.

You noticed Jess and Emily coming closer to you and Matt, laughing sheepishly. This whole thing seemed to really amuse them. But then, they mouthed something. 'Ask him out.'

"So, um- got any plans this weekend?" You asked, trying to remain subtle, and hopefully not rushing anything.

"No," he replied, a smile coming to his features. "Why?"

Your face begun to heat up, as it became a shade of pink. You found yourself speechless. Your face lowered as you put your hands deeply in your jean pockets.

"Hey," he smiled, placing his fingers under your chin, lifting it up. "Don't be nervous. I'm not stupid. I know who you are, and this isn't really your personality."

You laughed weakly, giving him a warm smile.

"Just say it."

"Okay... Maybe we could hang out or something?" You ran your fingers through your hair nervously.

"Call it a date." Matt said, walking away from you. "Bye, (Y/N)."

You took a breath in out of pure relief of not being rejected. "Another boyfriend (Y/N)? Come on."
Well, (Y/N) is supposed to be a player so yah...XD Hope you all enjoyed!

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora