Chris X Ashley: Sickness

396 16 12

Requested by Radbec !
Ashley stood in front of Chris' apartment door, sliding her phone into the back of her jean pocket. Her hand raised in front of it, it kept tightly in a fist, her knocking timidly on the door.

She pulled it back down to her side, taking a small step back, awaiting to see his face. But, when she did, it wasn't as she remembered it being only two days ago.

"Hey." He sniffled sickly, holding the door open.

She observed his face concerned, seeing his watery eyes, hearing his stuffy nose just by him sniffing congested, his voice scratchy as if he'd been coughing nonstop.

"Chris, you sound terrible." She sighed, feeling empathy towards his random sickness he'd encountered, herself healthy, and not ill like he was.

"I'm fine, just-" He paused involuntarily, sneezing powerfully, his glasses falling to the tip of his nose, him having no choice but to fix them back to normal.

"No. No you aren't." She laughed weakly, stepping through the door, pulling him to the couch, and pushing him down to sit.

"What are you doing?" He asked unsure, choking back a cough.

"I'm helping you get better." She informed confidently, roaming around the room in search of a blanket.

"And how will you do that?" He asked intrigued, enjoying this special treatment he rightfully earned, usually not specially cared for when sick like he is. Mainly, the pressure to heal is always on him.

"Just stay here, and, don't leave until I'm back." She finished, retreating out the door, and exiting, not seen for about an extended hour.

Once she returned back, Chris was already passed out, his medication recently taken knocking him out, it having a not so positive effect on him.

Ashley entered in, noticing him, his glasses off of his face, the blanket covering him completely, Chris all bundled up.

She didn't desire to wake him, believing sleep was best for him, but, once he realizes what precious treatment she has brought home with her isn't so disgusting, maybe he won't care.

"Chris!" She sparked up boldly, placing a tray of two coffees; one cappuccino, the other just an original, fixed up with a more delectable taste, down on the dining room table.

He awoke, his eyes opening, him groaning.

"What?" He said, his voice scratchy, and groggy, rubbing his locked eyes until they were fully open, placing his pair of black framed glasses upon his face.

"Got something that'll make you happy." She teased spitefully, smiling happily as she approached him.

"And it is?" He asked, gaining more amusement from her tone, sitting upright in his position.

She once again motioned back to the table, gaining the tray in her possession, cautiously carrying them over near Chris.

"Something hot." She smiled, placing the tray down on the coffee table, seeing his brightened face.

"Just what I needed." He thanked kindly, all through a smile, reaching for the cappuccino, only to be smacked on his arm.

"No." She scolded childishly, taking hold of it herself. "Mine."

"Really?" He snarled emotionlessly, him not seriously angry at her. How could he be. "You know I prefer those."

"You'll like it." She assured, smiling, grabbing hold of the hot cup, handing it over delicately to him, not wanting it to spill. "Try it."

He obeyed, doing as told, taking a short sip of the cup of coffee, enjoying it as it reached his tongue, sending a burst of flavor throughout his mouth.

She curved her lips higher, grabbing hold of her own hot cappuccino, bringing it beneath her lips, tilting it backwards, the foam pushing onto them.

She took a long sip, the taste fulfilling her craving.

"Mmmmm." She mocked graciously, bringing the cup away from her mouth.

"Ashley." Chris said, smiling to the humor stuck to her face.

"Yeah?" She replied, facing him.

"You got foam..."

"Where?" She asked, lingering her fingers around her features.


He placed a hand behind her head, it pushing her hair in closer. Then, he leaned it, pushing his lips into hers, her caught by surprise, hesitating to immediately kiss back, but she felt that was the best option.

Their lips moved in sync for a small period of time, Chris pulling away soon after, him satisfied to finally taste what he has hoped for all this time.

"W-Why did you do that?" Ashley asked, confused what she had done to deserve what just happened.

"I wanted a taste of cappuccino. Duh."


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