Chris X Reader: Eggs

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Requested by @bellabellabingbong!
Late, but, Happy Easter!
You arrived affront Chris' apartment door, a plastic shopping bag in hand, inside containing some egg decorating kit you bought cheaply at the store.

You, and Chris being a couple, decided partner egg decorating would be a cute idea to test out for Easter this year.

You fisted your hand, using your knuckle to knock, the sound of your banging breaking through his door on the opposite end.

Momentarily, he retreated to the door, opening it for you to enter.

"Hey, Chris." You greeted sweetly, a decently sized smile turning the corners of your lips upward as you saw his enthused face, he willingly mimicking the same.

"Hey, (Y/N)." He replied back, sneering jubilantly, allowing you to step inside briskly.

"Happy Easter," you stepped affront of him, planting a soft kiss upon his lips, hugging him tightly.

"Happy Easter." He returned back, draping his arms around you, pulling your body closer to his.

You stood there together, locked in each others grip, glaring into each other's eyes admiringly, grins overcoming both of you.

"So," you smiled mischievously, your emotions flying freely. "Ready for our egg decorating?" You added on childishly, your fingers roaming through his smooth blond hair. Well, at least it was for now.

"Born ready." He said, enthused, breaking into a wider smirk, his grip loosening strength.

The corner of your lips rose highly, your hands removed briskly from his shoulders, you quickly retreating to the kitchen area. You laid out your essential materials, Chris gathering the eggs, and placing them gently beside your items, keeping the shells intact, them needed to remain actually not broken.

You retrieved five plastic cups, filing them briefly up with water, and a light amount of needed vinegar for color absorption, then placing the colored tablets into the liquid, the color spreading throughout it.

"Start placing the eggs in there, okay? I'll assist in a moment." You requested politely, a devilish smile coming upon your lips.

He nodded, following the task at hand.

You approached the refrigerator, grasping the handle, and pulling it open. You reached for a bottle of water, twisting its cap off, and taking a sip, playing that off as just being slightly parched, and in need of a thirst quencher. With your free hand, you reached outward to an unboiled egg, gripping it mindfully, and carefully, then placing it inside your center hoodie pocket. It hung loose, it visible something did take a spot in your hoodie, but you, being your very intelligent self, always had a way to pull yourself out of a situation in which you wished to prank. Luckily, you didn't have to resort to that.

"Okay," you sighed aloud, placing the plastic bottle of ice cold water harshly against the counter top, a sound of a crunch filling inside your ears.

You observed his already completed work, admiring the vibrant colors dying each egg. You always never desired those bland, white, and black, even grey colors, no matter the shade. Didn't suit your more, outgoing, in your face personality.

Time passed like gusts of wind blowing free paper, the time just flying by swiftly.

To you, it was a good thing.

Your painted hand slipped inside your hoodie pocket, the cold, dairy product finding itself lying in your warm hands.

You begun to pull it out, your eyes pinpointing on an amused Chris as he proceeded, the corners of your lips rising expressively.

"Hey, Chris?" You piped up, muffling laughs as you held the egg, hovering over Chris.

"Yeah?" He replied back, uninterested, his eyes darting directly at the project ahead of him.

"Missed an egg."

You squeezed it tightly, the shell cracking, the inner liquid, and yolk escaping your closed hand, falling liquidly into his pointed blond hair.

"What the fu- (Y/N)!" He scolded annoyedly, glaring angrily at you as his fingers lingered over the top of his head, the yolk soaking them, dripping.

By then, you lost yourself. Breaking out into a sheepish laughter, them escaping your mouth endlessly.

"It's not funny." He huffed, your smile growing wider as you whipped out your phone, snapping a brief picture of his priceless face.

"Yes it is." You commented amusedly.

"If you send that to anybody-"

"Posted!" You chirped, writing a brief caption.

Happy Easter from my angry man.😂

A/N: Well, hello! Haven't updated this book in a while... Missed it!

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