Chris X Ashley: Proposal

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Requested by @ThatFangirlAsh!

It's been about 4 years past the events occurring on Mount Washington. But, not just that.

The 4 year anniversary of Chris, and Ashley.

They grew close. Very close.

Only a days worth after the events, they became a thing. Wasn't unexpected actually. They've been through a lot that night together. Some of those occurrences being better than some others. The good really being the fact their feelings were no longer concealed, and were confessed. As well as that, they shared their first kiss. Very memorable day, all in all.

But, this one. Boy, this one will top all of them.

"PROPOSE!?" Josh remarked with pure shock, and surprise.

 "Yeah man!" Chris said excitedly.

 "Tell me I'm the best man for the wedding," Josh sighed, "seriously."

 "As long as she says yes, sure." Chris approved with slight hesitation.

 Josh peered at him with such disbelief in his words. Ashley? Saying no to Chris? No. Never.

 "Seriously, bro? Come on," he frowned.

 "You never know, man, just saying," he shrugged.

 "Yeah, well, you got the ring yet?" Josh asked anxiously, as I had nodded.

 I reached into my jean pocket, feeling around for the small box with the ring securely packed inside. I successfully discovered it, buried deep, pulling it out to reveal it to Josh.

 "Here," I displayed it in his view, his face lightening up at the sight.

 "Man, it's beautiful!" Josh complimented supportively. "Guarenteed yes from her part."

 "Yeah, speaking of that." He dismissed. "She'll be here any minute, so act-"

 The door swung open as a cheerful Ashley entered inside.

 "Cool, cool." Josh laughed abnormally, with full randomness, Chris just tagging along, and mimicking him.

 "Hey, guys?..." Ashley greeted with confusion.

 "Hey, Ash." Chris replied kindly.

 "Wassup, yo." Josh said awkwardly with immaturity.

 Chris whipped his head around to face him with disappointment, both engaging eye contact as Josh shined a very childish smile.

 "What are you two idiots doing?" Ashley asked mockingly as she set her handbag down onto the floor delicately.

 Josh allowed Chris to speak.

 "He just stopped by," Chris said, "passing by our street so, you know, what the hell."

 Ashley nodded.

 "But, that isn't the only reason." Chris added.

 A smile had slowly crept onto Josh's features as he had already understood where this was going. Ashley, on the other hand, was left dumbfounded, and clueless.

 "Ash, I've come to realize a lot about us. More me realizing the chemistry we share." Chris begun. "What I'm saying here is. Just standing beside you leads a smile to come onto my face. Being around you, really is much better than using my phone, when it's obvious I love it."

 Ashley chuckled.

 "And, really what I want is that. Every single day for the rest of my life."

 Chris had knelt down on one knee, reaching for his back pocket.

 Ashley's face went blank, and pallor as she was just undefinably shocked. Her hands shielded her mouth as they rested above it.

 "Ashley," the box holding the ring came into view of Ashley. "Make me understand that sensational feeling I get everyday, and make me the happiest man in the world, by marrying me." The ring is revealed as the top opens.

 It has silver diamonds on its front, the rest remaining the same shade of silver. The diamonds shaped out two hearts collided together to represent their love. well, that was what Chris was going for, at least. I think he got it right.

 Tears had formed in Ashley's eyes as one shed. It cascaded down her cheek as she sniffed, breaking into a smile.

 "Yes." Ashley said contentedly. "I will marry you."

 She approached him, hers arms extended out as they had wrapped around his torso, his wrapping around her waist as they were both captured in a hug.

 "I love you." Chris said gratefully.

 "I love you, too." Ashley smiled.

 It was silent for a moment. Both of them trapped in the moment, never leaving it as they didn't desire to allow it to end. But of course, all good things need to come to an end. This reason one bad one.

 And interruption.

 "Aww, Cochise." Josh piped up softly. "You really impressed me today."

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