Josh X Reader: Backup

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Requested by SqueezyBee !
You entered your school hesitantly, voices of fellow students blaring loudly throughout the halls, everyone searching their lockers for class notebooks, and textbooks.

You however were new, everything around you unfamiliar, and uncommon. You moved all the way from New York, here to California, in search of a place with mild temperature, not too hot, nor too cold.

As you roamed the halls, students you assumed were popular glared at you devilishly, leaving you uncomfortable. You held your books tighter, proceeding to your classroom, praying no one will interrupt your journey.

Your class was upstairs, leaving you confused of where to find the flight of stairs, needing to triumph upward to climb them, your bag holding you down.

You eventually found them, just as you had expected, occurred proceeding up those stairs, you shoulders, and back beginning to ache painfully from all your supplies pinning you back.

Reaching the top, you searched for the classroom number, it decently close to that door you walked through. You timidly knocked on the door, a class currently in progress.

"Come in." The teacher welcomed kindly, you swinging the door open carelessly, entering with a weak smile.

"You must be- (Y/N)?" She asked, thinking before she spoke.

You nodded your head, flashing a wider smile, your your fingers roaming through your long locks of hair.

"Welcome. Now, you may get to your locker, and get yourself settled." She informed wisely, you only able to nod your head, not being the outgoing kind of girl in a crowd of unknown people. Only your closest friends you acted that way.

You searched for your locker, browsing the numbers as you walked along the hall. You noticed your number, placing your bag down beside it, putting your hands over the lock, beginning to enter your combination. You were awful at opening lockers, struggling since freshmen year, you now reaching senior, still unable to do it with ease.

You attempted it once. Failed. Once again you tried, only to fail again, it becoming a bit frustrating for you. Then, the sounds of female voices (luckily) came into your ears from around the end of the hall. Soon enough, two girls were coming your way, noticing how badly you struggled.

"Hey, you need any help with that?" They asked nicely, understanding the trouble you were going through.

"Yes, very." You laughed weakly, stepping away from the front of it, one girl taking your place.

"What's your locker combo?" She asked dumbfounded, keeping two fingers around the lock. You told her with pleasure, her registering it, and entering it, opening it, making it seem so simple.

"There you go." She smiled sweetly, facing you.

"Thank you so much." You returned the smile, your voice low and groggy, having a long ride to reach there, immediately enrolling in a new school.

"Oh, and by the way, my names Beth." She informed.

"And I'm Hannah!" The other girl piped up brightly, you smiling.

"I'm (Y/N)." You introduced yourself timidly, not being as quirky as usual like in your prior school, everyone knowing you as wild, so to say. Now, you lost that reputation, dropping it along the way.

"See you around!"

With that, they disappeared out of your view, down the hallway, and to there next class, leaving you to rummage through your packed book bag, and empty it out, everything put somewhere in your locker, placed neatly.

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora