Mike X Reader: Ending A Feud

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Requested by RinkaUrushiba_ !
You roamed to the halls of your high school, people glaring at you with such jealousy of your popularity. You were always very nice to each person around you, just some get you in a condition rarely seen. Especially Emily...

About one year ago, in junior year, you met Matt. He was the jock you couldn't take your eyes off of the whole day, until now. He's with Emily now. Caught cheating on you by another student out on the front lawn. Emily was one of your best friends back in the day, but people change after a while. Hers worse than others.

You still held a tight bond with Jess though. She and you were typically unbreakable. Glued at each others side throughout each day. She wouldn't steal your boyfriend from you. She was reliable, and just there when needed.

As you walked down to your locker, Matt was still viewable nearby you, always having a locker decently close to yours. It never changed since junior year. Jess was still close, but Emily wasn't, lucky enough for you. You couldn't stand to even stare at her after all she had done to you.

You opened your locker up, checking everything was in order with your makeup, and outfit, which it all was, but soon enough, you heard one of your friends scream obnoxiously in your ear.

"Hey, (Y/N)!" Jess greeted cheerfully, gaining your attention through just those two words.

"Wassup, Jess?" You laughed sheepishly at your own joke, her doing the same, smiles across both of your faces.

"So how's everything? You know, with Em?" She asked regretfully, seeing the hatred coming across your features, you angry even at the sound of her name.

"What about her?" You asked, unamused. "Not like I want anything to do with her." You scowled, slamming your locker door shut, startling people nearby, them looking to you for a moment, mostly because of the loud noise.

"Yeah.." Jess dragged out, her now silent, not wanting to speak of her anymore. She seemed to still bond with Emily which slightly ticked you off, not wanting Jess to feel some sort of sympathy towards her. You didn't feel as if you were too harsh towards her, nor not showing enough harshness either. It was at a level that seemed decent enough to you. If she's showing worse, she deserves it back.

"Let's just, not talk about her anymore, okay?" You asked, your body loosening as Jess nodded her head to you, stepping away from your locker, now in the center of the room.

Your eyes focused on Matt, feeling that same fuzzy feeling you felt when he was your significant other, but it just disappeared in that moment, bringing you back to reality. The reality you wished you weren't a part of. You wished the events from last year never occurred.

You walked side by side with Jess, down the hall, taking a left... Where there stood Emily, most likely going to visit Matt as she usually does at this point of the day. The end of it.

"Slut." You muttered, refusing to make eye contact with her. Jess beside you, tapping your shoulder as a sign to not say anymore.

"Whore." You heard Emily insult you, feeling yourself now fed up with the usual same old thing everyday with her. The constant insults back, the bickering and gossip  to Matt, which you were informed of by nearby people who pick up whatever she says. She treats you like you were the one to just completely go up to her boyfriend, and begin making out with him, which you never done. She has no right to treat you that way. Now it's the time it ends.

"You know what? No." You snarled, now walking in front of Emily, blocking her path to Matt. "I'm done with this shit."

"(Y/N)." Jess approached your side, her voice low and unsure of this.

"Stay out of it, Jess!" You snapped, her walking away from you, not wanting to get that treatment. All eyes were set upon both you and Emily, the room growing silent, everyone ending their side conversations.

"What's your problem, (Y/N)?" Emily's tone now becoming serious, you shook your head, your adrenaline rising, you now holding back nothing.

"You're my problem!" You laughed at her stupidity, her acting like she knows nothing, when obviously she does understand the reason your attitude has been unleashed. "Your constant b*tchyness is my problem! You have been acting like you've done nothing, when you definitely did. Making out with MY boyfriend in the front of the school, isn't cool, alright? And you have been acting like that was me! I wouldn't betray you like that! 'Cause I'm an actual friend who cares." You finished, taking a deep breath, biting your tongue to say anymore. Your arms crossed, you turning away from her, with a role of your eyes.

The crowd around you both grew completely silent. No one rummaging through their lockers anymore to retrieve missing items that belong in your hands. Matt now was pushing past the people ahead of him, approaching both of you, but still keeping a small distance away, not wanting to intrude.

"Yeah. Riiiiight. I have 'no' reason to be like this-" Hearing her say that riled you up farther more than you were originally, you getting closer to her face.

"Quit being such a bitch!" You growled, your voice echoing throughout the halls, loud enough for someone special to hear.

"Oh-" Emily begun to speak only to be interrupted... But not by me. By a male voice.

"Emily, stop." A deep voice confronted her, you turning to face him. "Lighten up on (Y/N). She did nothing to you." You stared at the tall, but definitely stunning guy beside you, registering who he was. The guy you always knew about. The one everyone wanted you to be with, even though both of you never really spoke to one another.

"Thanks, Mike." You smiled, showing him how pleased he was there to assist you. As he approached you, Matt was gripping onto Emily's arm, pulling her away from the crowd of intrigued people. You yourself felt yourself curving your lips into a large smile, knowing someone else can't tolerate her as much  as you.

"Not a problem. I was getting sick of her too." He smiled, you enjoying his response. "Must take a lot of balls talking to her like that." He complimented you, causing you to blush a light color on your cheeks, very unnoticeable in the light reflecting your face.

"Guess I got 'em." You laughed weakly, him doing the same.

"You're cute." Mike spoke flirtatiously, looking at you with his gorgeous brown eyes, your face heating up at the fact he said that to you. He was flirting with you...

  You knew his personality was obviously player, and a partial jerk at some time but that typically was describing you honestly.

"Hey, how about I take you out, tonight? Make you feel better.." He gripped your hand in his, you looking down to it.

"I would love to."


Whenever I do these, I feel like I'm rushing into the end, but I don't know what else to add so... Sorry...

Wasn't my best, I don't think, but, I hope you all enjoyed! :)

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora