Matt X Reader: How To Grieve

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Requested by @bellabellabingbong!
You walked along the dirt path beside Matt as you had recently met up with him on your way to the lodge. He had been holding an abundance of large, and heavy bags, which you kindly offered to assist him with the cargo, which he gladly allowed.

Instead of immediately returning, you both agreed on wandering around a bit, and taking in the breath taking scenery.

The snow blowed constantly in your face as you both just ran, laughing in pure amusement. Nothing really came to worry you, which was a step above your expectations considering last year... Oh, last year..

You took a brief stop, looking up at Matt as he was doing the same.

"You alright?" He asked with confusion, staring as you caught your breath.

"Yeah, I'm fine! Just, be quiet!" You rushed your words, keeping your tone a faint whisper.

"What are you talking about?" He asked, his eyes scanning your surroundings.

"Ashley," you pointed in her direction. "I wanna scare her," you added on, laughing mischievously.

You watched as the corners of Matt's lips rose, muffling a laugh.

"Knock yourself out," he supported, shoving you ahead.

You peered up to her, watching as she intently glared out into nature, looking through a pair of binoculars.

You made your way affront of her, yourself crouched away from the view she experienced as she stared through.

You quickly turned to Matt, yourself choking back begging laughs as he was breaking into a consistency of them behind a bush.

You worked up the courage to do this, readying your vocals as you slowly crept up.

You sped up what you had been doing, screaming obnoxiously as you reached her view.

You hear her scream, and Matt loosing himself as he approached. You couldn't contain that laughter anymore, it escaping your mouth very quickly.

"Seriously? (Y/N)!" Ashley scolded annoyedly, her hands topping her face as she rubbed it.

"That was too good!" Matt remarked blissfully, shining a wide smile as he continued to uncontrollably chuckle.

Ashley's head whipped around to face Matt, full of anger.

"You were in on this?" She scowled angrily as she registered his voice, the frown spread across her face growing in size.

"We're sorry Ash, damn." You calmed your laughter, doing your best to change the conflict into something less problematic.

"It's fine, but, seriously?" She brought a smile across her features, leading you to do the same.

"Yeah," you giggled, "you were using those binoculars- wait, yeah. What were you looking at?" You changed the subject, Matt coming beside you both.

You watched as her face flushed, leaving you weary.

"See anything juicy in that thing?" Matt smiled, stepping closer. "Let me check it out." He requested.

"O-Oh, uh," Ashley stammered nervously, peering to her left. "G-Go ahead." She encouraged. "Have fun, I guess."

You followed Matt as he approached it, yourself glimpsing over the edge, only seeing the snow fall.

"Aw, son of a bitch!"

You turned your focus to Matt, hearing the frustration overcome his excited voice.


"Seriously? Emily? What the hell, man!" He huffed, pulling away from the binoculars, a angered frown spread across his face.

"What did you see?"

He continued to ignore you.

"Goddammit." He snarled, then storming off into another direction.

"Matt..." Ashley attempted to stop him, failing miserably.

You turned to face her, engaging eye contact as she gestured you to follow, which you did.

You increased speed as you hopped down, following the engraved footprints.

"Matt!" You called anxiously as he returned in your sights, eager to catch up with him, beginning to sprint.

He remained silent.

Your legs carried you as fast as they possibly could, bringing you to his side.

"What did you see?" You asked curiously, a frown coming upon your features.

"Prefer not to talk about it." He dismissed, you not allowing it.

"Tell me right now." You gripped his arm, pulling him back.

"Mike, and Em. Hugging. His hands all over her. Same with her. Just, fucking frustrating shit." He elaborated briefly, frowning.

"Well," you crossed your arms, "then dump that bitch." You recommended with a bit of humor.

"Not that easy." He began to walk away.

"Or, or!" You stopped him. "I give you full permission to knock Mike out! Come on!" You smiled excitedly.

"That sounds better." He crossed his arms, breaking into a small smile.

"Do it!" You encouraged. "Please?"


You smiled, accomplished of this slight victory.

You crossed your arms, smiling. "Now, that's how you grieve."

A/N: Not fully serious, all funny tho! I had no clue what to write. Hope you all enjoyed! ❤️

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora