Chris X Reader: Explicit Raging

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Reunited by NerdyGirl1219 !
So, you had a day off from all that busy work, finding yourself overly bored. Then, why not hang out with someone? Preferably Chris?

So that's what you did, meeting him in his apartment for a little gaming marathon of Mortal Kombat X, and maybe some other interesting games that caught your attention.

You reached his front door, knocking boldly, the way you usually would when going there. He answered almost immediately, greeting you kindly.

"Hey," he said, opening the door wide for you to enter, a goody smile on his face.

"Hey," you replied back, entering with ease, smiling.

"So," he shut the door tightly, speaking with you. "You came for- Mortal Kombat X, huh?" He asked, holding back a small laugh.

"Yeah." You told him, taking a seat on his comfortably cushioned couch.

"You sure?" He asked once again, acting as if it was a bad idea. He had seen you play this before, it not ending well.


"Okay..." He gave in, approaching his game console, and the Mortal Kombat X case in hand. He begun the console, opening the disc tray, and inserting the game, allowing it to start.

You voluntarily grabbed a controller, turning it on like he done on his own. The screen of the TV brightened, the home screen appearing on his PlayStation. He then used the left stick to maneuver to the game about to be played. You had been anxious to play this all day, hoping to finally succeed, and conquer him, it usually failing. Only once, or twice you topped him, that occurring rarely.

The loading screen for the recent Mortal Kombat was now in your view, your body bobbing up and down as you continued to wait impatiently.

"Okay, it's loading. Calm down." Chris came to notice you, hearing the sound of the couch squeak through the room.

"Sorry.." You whispered innocently, ending that little 'jump for joy' moment.

The game proceeded to load, the home screen then randomly generating, it showing the usual options, him creating a new game, picking 2 players for the session.

He quickly chose his character when the screen changed, you slowly viewing the perks of each, the one best fitting your high standards, being chosen.

Then, the game begun.

A/N: If I messed up on anything, I'm sorry. Not a Mortal Kombat player. :P

You quickly jumped into action, dashing to him, beginning the fight, not actually sucking for once in your combat skills, this showing good things ahead.

Then, he fired back, removing health from your bar diligently, you beginning to panic internally. You refused to lose, and when you do, things get awfully explicit, cuss words rapidly entering Chris' ears.

You both continued to play silently, you more than him, your focus through the roof. Never have you ever been that focused, and determined to crush someone. And, that's when you lost.

Chris made a horrible mistake.

"Fuck!" You cussed, dropping you controller beside you, cupping your face in your hands. "Are you shitting me?"

"Can you chill?" He laughed mildly at your overreacting, turning to face you, this being common with him, he being skillful at these battling games.

"I'll try," you lied through gritted teeth, sighing loudly for him to hear.

With that, he restarted yet another round, you taking a deep breath, extending your exhale. Ironically, you stayed back, allowing him to come to you, it being a shot at a new tactic. One he used when first playing you. He always regretted it, the raging you showed becoming old, and just overrated. All you needed to do was keep a clear mind, and remain relaxed after gameplay, it not that difficult. Each time he lost to you, he would applaud you of your success, being a good sport with these things.

A/N: Anyone relating to the Reader, or Chris already?

He came to battle you, you rapidly pushing down on the right trigger, attacking him in the game, just about giving the same treatment to your controller.

"Don't break that." He warned, removing his eyes from the screen, still managing to beat you up.

"I won't!"

You watched uselessly as your bar slowly decreased health, it coming to the final stretch before Chris murdered you typically. 

And he did.

"UGH! FUCK ME IN THE ASS!" You raged lividly, repeating your previous actions, dropping the controller beside you as gentle as possible. 

Chris just watched you amusedly, laughing hysterically at your whiff of humor given in your little so called tantrum.

"One more game." You declared, scowling in an angry tone as you spoke.

"Oh-Kay..." He replied, the calmness in his voice just unbelievable. How the hell could he just sit there like that? Oh wait. He had been dealing with this for years. Riiiight...

The final game begun, you going full on Yuno for this one, fighting Chris, holding a lead throughout it. Little did you know, he played carelessly, just allowing you to conquer him, Chris doing this when you rarely would win.

As his health begun to drop, a smile came across your features, proud to see a win in your future. Then you realize, Chris only had one hand on the controller, the screen showing a win to your player.

"You weren't even trying.." You pouted disappointedly, him turning to face you with one of his goofy smiles he puts on whenever he is trying to hide something

"Whaaaaat? No. You earned that." He said, possibly the most unconvincingly a person could ever speak.

"Chris!" You dragged out childishly, upset he just handed you a win.

"Fine. I wasn't trying." He confessed helplessly.

"Okay, so. Another game?"


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