Hannah X Male Reader: Butterflies

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Requested by NerdyGirl1219 !

Short? My apologies. This request was kinda hard to make any longer than it is.
Your motioning around the Lodge with your friends, all yours smiled faded away, everything different since the beginning of the night, until now.

You reach a door, the sound of screeches, and obnoxious banging filling your ears.

It opens, a tall, human like creature standing affront of you.

You hear the panicked voices of your friends standing before you, and behind you, their feet hastily running across the plot of flat ground.

You stood there, paralyzation taking over you as you froze in that spot, the view of one of the creatures coming into view.

Your heart seemed to stop, the world around you slowing down, nothing pulling your eyes away from the view of that creature.

One thing bothered you most about it.

"You idiots are actually doing this?" You scowled, your arms crossed, your face full of disgust.

"Oh, come on, she deserves this." Jessica shot back.

"Not her fault she has this huge crush on Mike," you cringed as you said that, it fairly difficult to say.

"Well, I'm just looking out for my girl, Em. Hannah has been making moves on him, so.. I have a good reason." She smirked, pointing an index finger to Em.

"Yeah. Just because he's Class Prez, doesn't mean he belongs to everyone. Mike is my man." Emily confronted.

"Hey, Em?" Mike piped up, interrupting. "I'm not anybody's man."

Emily laughed. "Whatever you say, darling!" She chirped.

Your eyes returned to the note laying flatly on the counter as you read it.


      You look so damn hot in that
     But, I bet you're even hotter out      
       of it.
    Come to the guest bedroom at       
        two a.m.  ;)

                  Mike XXX

Your face flushed, your palms becoming sweaty, adrenaline rising as you overheard the groups laughs as they timely made their way to the guest room.

You decided not to follow, your mindset revolving more around preventing this, never mind encouraging it.

She was a close friend to you. And, you couldn't bare to lose her. You never had such a tight bond with anyone as much as you had with her. Your feelings may be more than she expects, but, it's obvious her own are completely different. You both never had a chance.

You kept yourself productive, retreating to the kitchen, and simply grabbing a beer to take your mind off of things.

What else could you do?

Each sip was long. Full of endless thoughts, and blooming conflicts, as well as just simply Hannah. Never thought that beer wouldn't be the solution to your problem of overthinking. Look on the bright side. She won't feel for Mike anymore past the time she fully discovers his true jerkiness. Which, assists you to the extent of having a shot at making her your own.

You sipped again at your beer, your eyes setting upon your watch, viewing the time.


1 minute left until Hannah receives pure embarrassment from the horrible scheme her friends thought of.

Wait. You can do something about this. Can't you?

I placed the beer gently on the countertop, shuffling up the stairs, and to the room.

My hand fixated on the knob, twisting it until the door popped open, launching myself inside.

"Hannah." You sighed. "Hey Hannah, this is all just a-"

"Mike!" She burst into tears, bolting to the door.

"-stupid prank." You competed.

She exited, your eyes focusing on one thing.

The tattoo.

It's hers.

It's Hannah.

This creature is Hannah.

You couldn't believe that repulsive thing was what she had become. Some ruthless killing machine that is cannibalized, and cannot be contained. Nearly impossible to kill, but fairly simple to keep it away from that.

But, you couldn't keep off focus for any longer.

"Come on, (Y/N)! We gotta go!" Sam urged you, grabbing your arm, and pulling you along.

Oh Hannah, what happened to you?

I want the real you.

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora