Matt X Reader-Mike X Jess: MatchMakers

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Requested by NerdyGirl1219 !
"Come on, (Y/N). Stop fighting it. You want it to be a thing." Jess pressured you, proceeding to bug you about that topic you always attempted to dismiss whenever it was starting to be brought up.

"And so do you." You shot back, now putting the same pressure on her as you had been feeling.

"That's a different story, because we are focusing on you, and Matt." She worked around it, you not letting it so easily slip away.

"No, no. We are focusing on you, and Mike. Clear?" You fought mercilessly, still not letting the topic fall once again as you usually do. This fight has been in session for weeks now, the guys not even knowing about it.

"Matt likes you, so it's you we need to focus on, (Y/N)."

"No!" You protested, pushing your situation away. "Well, Mike likes you too!"

"No he doesn't-"

"Yes he does!" You insisted, bringing a shocked expression to Jessica's face.

"Wait, really?" She asked, intrigued, focusing more on her relationship, rather than yours. Every time. It will always work with her. Never you.

"Yeah! That's what I've been trying to tell you all this time but, all you did was push me away." You informed, her staring blankly to you.

"You gave me the same treatment, so- well- that's what I did." She confessed, now obviously not forgetting about you, but still keeping herself in this conversation.

Besides the point, this still has been going on for the past hour, and all you wanted, was out.

"So, can we please stop talking about this right now? I really am not in the mood." You dismissed, her nodding her head. With that, you both said your goodbyes, disappearing from each others view.

All that talking sparked an idea in your mind. One genius plan you believed would work out splendid, everything fitting together like puzzle pieces. It was obvious Jess cared about Mike in a more intimate way, and he felt the same for her, which meant they definitely belonged together. They were made for each other. Well, that leaves you. You needed to get them to be a couple, but you didn't know how to do it.

But with help from another, it could work.

And that other was...


Of course, the only one available to assist you was the one Jess desperately was trying to hook you up with, but, she was facing the same situation. She was sticking with Mike, and hopefully not literally sticking her body up against his. They follow that same desperation for that special treatment, so if it happened, it wouldn't even begin to surprise you.

So with that, you decided it was best to actually contact Matt before getting your hopes high.

You: Hey, Matt. I need your help for something.

Matt: Sure! What do you need?

You: Just a service partner.

Matt: What service?

You: MatchMaking.

Matt: Oh boy... For who?

You: Mike and Jess.

Matt: Alright. I'm in, I guess.

You: Yes!

You locked your phone, the light of the screen disappearing. Best idea you had was to meet up with him, and get the mission started.

_______When You Meet_____

You approached his front door timidly, knocking gently with your fisted hand. He came to the door opening it for you to enter, a welcoming smile on his face.

"Hey." You greeted kindly, entering gratefully.


You remained silent next to him, not speaking.

"You're here for the plan, aren't you?" He asked, causing your smile to gain size. "Yes?"

"Yeah." You replied, breaking into a weak laugh. "Well, I don't have any good ideas, so.." You sighed, feeling defeated.

"I don't either." He confessed, shrugging his shoulders.

Just then, a knock on the door then was heard in your ears, no other people expected to be there. You exchange glances with Matt, him just as dumfounded for this.

"Um, I'll get it." You offered, edging closer to the door hesitantly.

You reached your hand out to the knob, twisting it lightly, opening the door only to the slightest bit. As it opened, two familiar figures stood ahead of you.

"Jess? Mike? How did you-?" You looked to them, confused, especially to the fact Mike had an arm wrapped around her waist. "When did- that happened?" You pointed to Mike's arm, eyeing the two with a devilish smile.

"Well," Jess spoke up to answer, "this planning brought us together. Let's say that." She smiled, them engaging eye contact, then locking that way, pecking each others lips.

"Matt?" You called, peeking back at him. "Come here."

He looked to you, obeying orders, coming to your side. You opened the door wider, revealing the two together as they were previously.

"We didn't even do anything." He laughed, shocked at the sight.

"Yeah, well." Mike once again glanced to Jess, continuing to smile. "Couldn't resist each other."

"Okay, well, take that obviously intimate love, and get a room." You said, taking hold of the door, and closing it shut tight.

"We did good things." You said, smiling to Matt, reaching your hand out to him. He gripped it, shaking it slightly, romantically to you.

"I'd say we make a good team." He smiled back, impressed by the easies job you've done together. Barely any effort needed to succeed.

"We make an awesome team." You agreed, gripping his hand tighter.

"So, um, I wanted to talk to you about something." He conversed, creating a new topic.


"Doing this, I realized something about us, and well- you." He spoke timidly, preparing himself for what to say furthermore.

"What is it?..." You asked nervously.

"I realized that- I like you."
Okay, so. NerdyGirl1219  . I had trouble getting the original idea to be like a plan they create?.. So I just did this. Hope you enjoyed!

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora