Jess X Reader: The Only Light In The Darkness

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Requested by @AeronSky!

I don't think I've ever been so afraid in my life. As much as this.

I gripped onto Matt's letter jacket tightly as I heard the screeches of that horrible thing. I've seen it up close and personal, already once tonight. I don't need to see it again. . .

My legs wobbled as I trudged along weakly. I could barely walk.

Especially when I had to. . .

It was behind the both of us. And we knew it. It's screeches piercing my ears, causing them to ring. It was coming close, and my legs locked. Matt squeezing my shoulders.

He stared me dead in the eye. "You have to listen to me." He said, gulping. "You're gonna run. Hide. Get help. And make it through this. Okay?"

I paused, hot tears bubbling up in my eyes. "No, I can't. . ."

"Don't-- fight with me right now!" He said frantically, voice violently shaking. "Go! Run!"

The creature crept up behind him, pulling him back. His grip loosened up on me as he was taken.

I took a few steps back, nearly tumbling over as I did so. My eyes just focused on Matt as that creature tackled him. Pinning him to the ground as he struggled to be released. For some reason I couldn't look away.

My back pushed up against a wooden sort of thing. I turn back to see it barricaded with planks, that appeared loose. I thrusted my body into it as the planks split in half, throwing me forward.

I peered back one more time. Seeing Matt's dismantled body. Laying there, fresh blood coating his face, almost all skin that was once there, just gone.

I looked away, leaning my back against the wooden wall. Falling into the snow with defeat. Feeling useless. Like nothing was left of me.

I lost Mike. Matt now, because he wanted to spare me.

What was the point? Living life, knowing it was worthless. . .

Hot tears stained my cheeks, pouring out from my eyes. The strength in me. . . Just gone. . .

Where did I go? The bottle-head blonde who was care free. Lived a great life. Had the best boyfriend. No hate, or pain was in me. Carefree. All of that. Faded. . . Vanished into another world. . . Where I belong. . .

I pushed up my body, legs continuing to wobble beneath me.

Might as well put myself out of this misery. . .

With a limp, I took a step forward, towards the cliffs edge. I took a breath, releasing heavy sobs. I took another step, looking down to the foggy, and shadowy abyss. Body shaking neurotically.

I closed my eyes, putting Mike into my view. The cries gaining intensity.

"I'm coming baby. . ."

You wandered freely in the mines. Lost in your own tracks. . . Clueless of where you were.

Until you overheard a female voices. Bawling. And you knew the voice. It being familiar enough.

"Jess?" You called out nervously, with no avail. Hearing no response. You just followed the sound of the voice, dread controlling your movement.

The voice you heard was no bit soothing whatsoever. Heavy sobs spilling, and crunching snow. In oddly delayed time spans.

"Jess. Please answer me." You called neurotically. Your hands shaking with tension.

In the corner of your eye, you saw something. The fitting image of your friend Jessica. To you. Her blond hair falling flawlessly. Her skinny figure. Beside the difference now. Deep cuts covered her entire body. Only a green coat, and her undergarments keeping her warm.

But that wasn't what paranoid you the most about the image.

The fact her figure had been leaning forward. Hanging over the cliffs edge. Entire body giving in to death.

You ran. Moving at a fast pace, desperate to catch her.

"JESSICA!" You shouted, your hand reaching out to hers as she fell.

She wouldn't grip yours, but you gripped hers, pulling her up with the strength you had.

You hauled her body back to the wall. Leaving it there to fall.

In defeat, she stared up to you. Lower lip violently trembling. Body shivering, her right eye twitching. Tears staining every part of her pale cheek. "I--"

You went beside her, arms tightly wrapped around her. "What the hell were you thinking? That was crazy--"

"What is there to live for?" She spat out through endless cries, pulling away from your embrace. "Everything just went dark--"

"So what?" You said sadly. "You don't deserve to die when none of this was your fault."

She was silent for a moment. "There is no light--"

"Yes. There is." You insisted. "Believe it."

"What's the light?" She asked, sniffling. Cries completely vanishing.

You thought, biting your lip. "What's left--" you said. "Right here."

Her icy blue eyes looked into yours. Glistening in the reflection of the rising sun. Yet another tear fell, as she gulped.

"Your friends mean something to you. And you mean the same to them." You brought up a miniature smile. "I get it. It's hard to move on from the ones you lost. But suicide isn't an option."

"To me, it was." She sighed.

"To me, it wasn't." You said with a frown. "I care about you too much to let you go."

She looked at you with a little confusion. "What are you saying. . ."

"I don't expect you to take this easily." You begun to speak, immediately regretting you did. Now kinds wasn't the time. But it was. "I--"

She looked at you with desperate eyes, wanting to hear it all.

"I love you. . ."

Her eyes became a bit wide. You refused to engage eye contact.

"(Y/N). . ."

"No-- it wasn't--"

Her arms wrapped around you. Her head in your chest, your cologne filling her nose, making her settle.

"I'm so glad you said that. . ."

Now you were the one confused. "What?"

"Mike would want me to move on. . ." She said. "I think I just did. . ."

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 15, 2016 ⏰

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