Mike X Reader: Savior

413 11 4

Requested by okespinosaa !

"H-Hello?" You croaked with reluctancy as you ventured slowly throughout the outdated, and decrepit mine shafts.

This place has been abandoned for so many years. After going through what you have been through, you kinda picked up understanding of why people avoided visiting here after all this time. Last time you heard miners worked down here? Probably around 1952. Definitely not recent, unless you include that strange man that had stopped by the Lodge. And, died...

Your fingers on one hand entwined with the opposite as you twiddled them neurotically. You bit lightly on your lower lip as your eyes traveled in all directions, you examining your surroundings attentively. Your hands shook violently, and your lower lip trembled uncontrollably.

"Hello?" You repeated more boldly, the volume of your voice increasing a small bit louder. Your eyes peered around you as no other voice was heard. Barely anything was heard besides the dirt crunching beneath your feet.

At this point, you were losing hope in finding another human in these scarring shafts. No voices, just some occasional screeches from that cannibalized creature.

You found out the main information required to  understand when encountering this ugly thing. Its skin looking like rubber, going down to the bone. Freakishly tall with long legs, and arms. It had long claws, and sharp, sharp teeth which would most likely kill you in just one bite. The claws could probably just penetrate your skin immediately when making contact. And finally, when able to catch its prey on this mountain, there were to be blood smeared around its mouth, guaranteed, as well as staining its skin, and body very minimally.

You understood when finding it, you were supposed to not move at all. It is attracted at the sight, or sound of any sort of movement. Whether it were to be human, or not human. Just remember, stay still.

"Hello? Anyone?" You called out desperately, as your heart had broken in two pieces as chances of survival were not very high.

"(Y/N)!" Well, until you heard that. A deep, and masculine male voice calling out from nearby you. You didn't know what to believe when hearing the voice. It could be the creature mimicking its prey, which you had read about prior.

"Mike?" You croaked somberly. "Is that you?"

"Of course it's me!" He assured calmingly as the weight on your shoulder had lightened, knowing you are not alone anymore. "Where are you?"

"I'm-" you saw him appear into your view, his face flushed, his body covered in blood, and deep cuts. Just typically all wounds.

Part of his white tank top was slashed, fresh blood, and cuts being the reason of the sight. They seemed recent, but you hadn't understood what they were from. Wendigo probably.

Throughout this experience, you both hadn't really left each other's side since the night had begun. Attached at the hip, until forced to separate.

"What the hell happened to you?" Your voice was coated with concern as you spoke, approaching Mike as fast as you possibly could.

Just being in his presence left assurance by your side. Knowing you had a second hand when you needed it most.

"A lot." He sighed as he approached closer. "I'm just glad you're safe." He wrapped his arms around you as you were captured into a hug.

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora