Chris X Ashley X Josh: Dares

312 4 6

Requested by @ladevotee17


"Chris, I'm bored." Josh complained spitefully as he twiddled his thumbs with unhappiness.

"Saaaame." Ashley said with annoyance as her nose was caught inside a new book.

"Not my fault your sisters don't know how to get out of the house, and drive." Chris said supportively to himself as he stood up from the lounge.

"So, you're blaming my sisters." Josh said with trouble.

"We're waiting on them, aren't we?" Chris asked rhetorically as he hadn't desired a response, his arms crossing.

"That answers my question," Josh muttered as he had as well crossed his arms.

"Okay, can you two shut up?" Ashley snapped. "I'd rather not hear you two yelling at each other the rest of the wait."

"Any better ideas?" Josh asked. "This is the best thing we have to do."

"Might as well do something interesting, I mean, not like that isn't but-" she smirked.

"Oh yeah?" Chris frowned. "Mind telling us something 'interesting' enough to pass up what we're doing currently?"

"Truth of Dare, maybe?" She recommended optionally.

"So childish," a smile crept upon Josh's features. "I love it."

"Only option?" Chris sighed. "Fine." He gave in. "Let's do this."

Ashley smiled as she had closed her fictional tale, and placed a bookmark in its crevice, the page documented, and now marked.

The group of three then formed a fairly small circle in the center of the wooden floor. Ashley pulled her knees to her chest, as the guys had just sat there normally.

"So," Ashley perked up, "any volunteers for first Truth or Dare?"

"Hit me with your best shot, red," Josh said confidently, with full self assurance as he readied himself.

"So, you want a dare?" Ashley asked.

Josh just simply nodded, as he cleared his throat.

"Quick, please," he requested. "I gotta good one, as long as we continue.

When he said good one, he meant a good dare. Really good, yet harshly embarrassing to someone in the room. That one person being his best friend. And, most enjoyable person to tease. By that description, can you guess who?

Hopefully that person lucks out. Only Hannah, and Beth could be the decider of that.

"Well," she thought, "I dare you to-" she peered around the room at her surrounding as she brain stormed a clever idea. Or, at least one that would be effective.

Ordinary place. All essential rooms, and items. In an apartment building. Wait, they're in an apartment building.

"You have to go to any room in this hall, it being your choice," she smiled devilishly, "knock on the door, and find your way into their room.." Ashley said with her smile growing in size.

"Simple," Josh jumped up from the ground, standing up erect. His eyes darted to face the direction of the door, as he had begun to motion towards it.

His hand had rested upon the knob as he then twisted it, the door popping open a small crack.

As he opens it fully, the view of the brightened hallway had been in his clear sight. He had scanned each end of the hallway, and looked to each door to choose his 'favorite' one. He had no favorite, just hoped for the best.

But if he were to consider his choice of a room to be a favorite, guess it was the one across the hall.

As for Ashley, and Chris, they had kept inside the room, their stomachs laying flat upon the ground, eavesdropping as they chuckled at the event unraveling before them.

Josh's hand already fisted, he then raised it up to the door, gently knocking as he felt a bit reluctant to do so.

Too late now.

His foot tapped as he stood there, waiting impatiently for the door to be answered by a person.

Which it was.

An old women stood before him as she stared at him blankly with confusion. She just froze there. She wasn't expecting an unwelcome visitor.

"Um, do you got any cookies?" He asked the first thing that came to his mind at the sight of her face, his lips pressing together as he struggled to hold back laughs.

The elder women just remained frozen.

"Okay, thanks."

Josh had squeezed himself in through the open space remaining in the doorway as the women's eyes followed his every move.

But, for Ashley, and Chris at that moment, they couldn't contain the begging laughter.

Didn't last long, though.

Hannah, and Beth had just entered into Chris' apartment, as they both had ended there laughter.

"Where's Josh?" Hannah asked curiously, as Beth remained silent.

They both didn't answer, only the sight of him being the only way to explain what is happening.

"Thanks, grandma."

Their eyes pinpoint out the door as Josh's voice registered in their ears.

Really Josh. You just had to call her grandma?

He held a fresh cookie in his hand, taking a small bite as he exited the apartment, closing the door behind him.

"Come on," he entered back inside the apartment, "gotta do better than that if you wanna faze me."

"No one can faze you, Josh," Chris laughed.

"You lucked out, Cochise," Josh smiled. "I had you set to be fazed."

Next One Shots Upcoming-
Chris X Ashley:It's A Girl
Mike X Reader: Savior
Chris X Reader: Zombie Apocalypses Aren't As Fun As I Thought
Sam X Reader: Disoriented

Doing something like this now. :)

Until Dawn One ShotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora