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Dark Night and Fireflies

You were walking through the forest gathering wood when you heard the sound of a girl screaming. You rush toward the sound and see a girl backed up against the mountain wall from below. A man had his sword ready to strike, the young girl had a sword of her own but missed every swing she took. You jump down the mountain bringing out your sword, ambushing the man with his. You then take your sword and slash at the man making him back away. You then swing your sword cutting his arm. Deep enough to hurt, but not enough to cut off. The man looks up at you and clutches his arm, then runs.

As you turned to the girl you just saved, you noticed she looked totally amazed. She had short red hair, a small figure, and soft hands.

"You saved me." She says,"Thank you!"

"You're welcome, but it's not a big deal, Miss," You say flatly.

"Of course it is! I could have died there. Why not you come to my camp so I can repay you? My name is Yona." She says.

"O-okay... I'm (Y/N)" You say in a quiet voice, immediately regretting your decision to tell her your name. You weren't the most social person in the world, so saving a girl and being asked to visit her camp for a little bit was a little nerve-wracking. What if she was just pretending to be weak and was actually planning to kill at her camp?! You didn't want to say yes, but you would have felt terrible if you said no. While walking with Yona, she told you about her little group. Telling you stories of things they've done for her and such. The one that piqued your interest the most was Shin-Ah. Her talking about her friends made you calm down quite a bit too.

"Princess! There you are! Who's the girl?" A man with black hair says. He was tall, muscular, and wore dark clothes. He has the appearance of a dragon in a way.

"This is (Y/N). She saved me earlier. I was attacked while I went out to get wood.." Yona said. "(Y/N) this is Hak, he's the guy I told you about."

"Hello." You say daring not to look into his eyes.

"Princess, she seems a little shy, are you sure she's the one who saved you?" Hak says," Well, whatever. Thanks for saving her. It means a lot."

'He's a lot nicer than he looks honestly. And Princess? Don't tell me... they're... no!! That's so dirty! Yona doesn't look like the kind of girl to do something like that with an older man. There must be some other reason. Right? Right!?' Your thoughts ran through your mind overwhelming you a little. You stopped thinking about it when you looked at Yona's innocent face.

"Hak! That was rude!" Yona shouts. She guides you further into the camp and introduces you to everyone. They were all very welcoming. Like a family meeting their child's best friend for the first time in person.

After everyone dispersed, a little squirrel ran up to you and climbed onto your head. You tried getting it to shoo, but it kept still, sitting on your head.


You look over to see who called that name. It was Shin-Ah. Yona introduced you to him a little while earlier.

'Was this squirrel his pet?'

"Is... um.. is this yours?" You ask.

"Yes." He held his hand out above your hand, letting Ao jump onto it and climb onto his shoulder.

"It's a cute name." You say to Shin-Ah, still keeping your distance. Ao climbs onto your hand and nibbles on your finger which makes your uncomfortable. Shin-Ah picks up Ao and rests the tiny animal on his shoulder.

"Sorry." He says. His mask covered his face, but you could tell he felt bad.

"No! It's okay! It's not your fault, Shin-Ah."

After a long moment of silence, you decided to help out in camp and gather a stack of wood. In the middle of the dark forest, you heard a rustling noise around you. You hear footsteps. You silently place down the wood and take out your sword. The footsteps get louder and you swing your sword in the direction you heard them in. You hear a cling of another sword. It was Shin-Ah.

"Oh, Shin-Ah it was just you...sorry..." You say putting away your sword.

"It's...fine." He says placing his away his sword as well.

"Hey, Shin-Ah..." You say.

"Yes............ (Y/N)?" Hey, replies.

"Why do you wear that mask...I-if you don't mind me asking..." Shin-Ah turns his head toward you, he then leans uncomfortably close.

"My eyes." He says. Then he removes his mask for 5 seconds. His eyes were beautiful...

"Why would you want to hide them." You say.


"I'm sorry it must be personal!" You say starting to walk away. Shin-Ah grabs your hand, which surprised you.

"Look," Shin-Ah says pointing to a field. Fireflies everywhere. You're so amazed you actually smile.

"Wow, Shin-Ah they're so pretty!" You then hug him tight. "Thank you, for showing me this." Then you kiss him on the cheek.

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