-+- Shin-Ah -+-

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You are mine and only mine

You met Shin-Ah one day. He was innocent. He was shy. He was even awkward at times. What you didn't know, what that he was somewhat possessive.

You first noticed how when you weren't around the gang you felt a slight feeling that you were being looked at from afar. You looked around, but you didn't see anyone. That feeling continued for the next few villages that you and the gang visited. It gradually faded away as you began to get closer to everyone, but mostly Shin-Ah. You started to grow feelings for the shy dragon during the first three months you met him.

"Shin-Ah, you're so nice." You say to him with a smile on your face.

Shin-Ah didn't reply back, or give a face to shop his expression, but you could tell that he was happy that you said that to him.

Sometimes you would ask if you could remove his mask. Every time he declined but shaking his head then promptly walking away. You didn't think he liked you all that much, so you decided to avoid him for a few days and wander around the village that was close by. It was crowded and full of nice people. You stayed there for a few hours.

Meanwhile, Shin-Ah watched you from a distance. He made sure that you were safe. When you returned, he got fed up with you avoiding him, tired with your silent treatment towards him. He had enough. So he paralyzed you.

"Shin-Ah?! What are you doing?" You say trying your best to get out of the state you were in.

"Why have you been avoiding me..?" He asks in his same tone of voice. It was soft and innocent, but had a hint of jealousy and anger mixed in.

"I-I just thought you needed some time," you inhale calming down,"Time away from me."

"What made you think that, (Y/N)?"

Hearing him softly say your name as he picked you up and brought you under a tree made you a warm and fuzzy. It felt sweet.

"Well..." you start,"I just felt like you didn't want me. You didn't want to talk to me."

Shin-Ah removed his mask and your paralysis,"Don't ever think that, (Y/N). You are mine and only mine." He then leaned in, and kissed you softly. 

And for the rest of the story? Well that's up to your imagination.

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