-+- Hak -+-

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« Errends »

It was early in the morning and Yun had given you the task to go find the nearest village and shop for some new bowls since the ones you had with you had long since been worn down.

"Make it quick, got it? I want you back before Zeno wakes up," he says sternly,"Got it?"

"Got it!" You say as you spring up from the pile of stones you were sitting on and walked to a village.

"Where are you going, (Y/N)?" A tall man asked.

"I'm going to the village to get some new bowls," You say to him,"Wanna come with me, Hak?"

"Sure. For all I know you could fall off a cliff,"

"We're not even on a mountain!"

"You could still fall," he says,"Like this!"

Hak roughly grabbed your shoulders pushed you onto the floor gently.

"Let go!! We have to go and get the bowls," you try pushing him off.

"Got it," he let's go and drops you.


When the two of you reached the village, you went and bought more bowls and Hak went wherever he went off to.

"Hello, Miss, how much are your bowls?" You asked the lady at her stand.

"The sets all range from 1,400 to 1,500 Ling*, Miss." She says to you in a very monotonous voice. It seemed like she didn't want to be there.

"Alright, thank you, how about these colorful bowls? How much would seven of them cost?" You asked her.

The lady paused for a moment,"Uhh... 9,800 Ling." She said,"You buying?"

"Whoa!! What happened to 1,400 to 1,500 Ling?! That's way too high for some bowls!!" You exclaimed.

"They're bowls that were made specifically for the royal family several hundred years ago. The maker never gave it to the king, so he kinda just kept it."

"Really? They look like plain wooden bowls to me."

"Take it or leave it miss!" She snapped.

You sighed,"How about these ones?" You pointed to a set of bowls with carvings of flowers on the outside.

"1,500 Ling," she held out her hand.

'Gosh, I was just asking the price'

You made your exchange and looked around the village for Hak. It wasn't a very large village, however, it was crowded and filled with merchants and towns people. It was very lively and everyone offered you great deals on food and jewelry.

Eventually you stumbled upon a quiet part of the town. Noticing this, you decided to leave.

"Hey," a voice called out to you," you're looking nice, pretty lady."

'Oh god'

You continued walking.

"Ignoring me, huh?" He reaches his hand out to grab your wrist.

Hidden under your tunic was a small knife that you used for both self defense and hunting. You quickly pulled it out with your other hand," Look buddy! I'm not in the mood! I'm looking for my idiot friend who probably got lost around here!!"

He backed away,"Jeez you're scary," he then looked up at you with disturbing, hungry eyes,"I like that-"

He was pushed back by a force of wind so strong. The mad had crashed into a wall and was knocked unconscious.

"O Great and Powerful Thunder Beast! How wonderful for you to come to me aid," you exclaimed excitedly.

"Did you get what you needed?" He asked.

"Yep, now lets go! This place has worse perverts than Jae-Ha."

You stepped foreword and started walking towards the entrance of the village.

"Oh by the way," you started,"Where were you?"

"I was buying something for you," he replied.

"Oh? Like what? A frozen frog to put in my pillow at night?"

"Well.. you're not wrong about the frog part, but I got you this." He held out a small necklace with a small wooden carving of a frog on it,"It's to always make sure you always return* to me."

"What if I'm stuck and I can't return to you?"

"Then I'll come find you myself." He held out his wrist that adorned a bracelet with the same frog,"We'll find each other."

You put on the necklace.

"OH SH**!" You exclaimed.


"Mom is going to yell at us for being late!"

A/N: I hope that this chapter isn't too horribly written. It's kinda rushed as well, hence the shortness of it.

I was wondering, what do you think of my notes at the end of the chapter? Are they annoying? Should I just leave them as a comment when I'm done writing them? Let me knowww!!

Anyways, here are the side notes

Ling - The currency. (Mentioned in Chapter 7) I'm just going to assume that the currency in Kouka is all the same. I'm using "Ling" like how they use Yen. So 1,400 Ling is about 14 USD.

Return - The dictionary form for "Return" in Japanese is かえる (Kaeru) which also means frog.

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