-+- Soo-Won -+-

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A/N This story is about young Reader-Chan x Young Soo-Won. By young I mean like when Soo-Wan was 15 and you're like 14 or something...

Stay With Me

"What do you wan Soo-Won?" You ask impatiently.

"(Y/N), come on, what's your problem?" He asks.

"There is nothing wrong, so just leave me alone!" You say storming off into the village. You were a poor, hard working girl. You didn't care about Yona, heck you didn't even care about Hak. All you wanted to do is work for the money you need to stay off the streets. Both of your parents were ill and you almost had enough money to get the medicine. Then Soo-Won came, and it seemed that he would never leave you alone! You were always sick of him pestering you.

"(Y/N)!" You hear Soo-Won call.

"What the hell do you want?!" You snap.

"Here." He hands you a small bag of money.

"I'm not going to take your bribe of money." You say rolling you eyes and pushing the coins back.

"I'm not bribing you (Y/N), I'm paying you." He says.

"For what?"

"For always bothering you when you could be working. I felt bad so-"

"Thank you, thank you!" You say running up to him and hug him tight."Soo-Won, you're amazing! My parents might actually live!" You say.

"What do you mean, (Y/N)?" He asks.

"What I mean is... My parents are sick... And I really don't want them to die..." You trail off.

"Oh, then why not I accompany you in getting the medicine." He says.

"Why not. You did help me, maybe I'll even let you meet my parents?" You say. The both of you walk over to a merchant and buy the medicine, then walk back to your place. You lived pretty far but if running far to you parents house meant they have a possibility to live, then you would do it.

When you get to you house, you picked up a bowl of water that was sitting on the outside and opened the door.

"I'm home!" You say. Then you stop. You see blood, and your parents corpses laying on the floor."M-mom? Dad?" You drop the water letting it spill all over the floor. Soo-Won rushed into you house to see what had happened.

"(Y/N)! What happened?!" He says.

"W-we.... We were too late." You say with streams of tears falling down your face. "We didn't make it in time. They're dead..."

"I'm so.... Sorry." He says placing his hand on your shoulder.

"I have nowhere to go. Nobody." You fall to your knees."Damn it! If I were only here just a few moments earlier.... T-they would have lived."

"You could always live with me." Soo-Won says.

"What?" You ask looking up."But, why? All I've ever done to you is chase you away. How could you possibly-" he cuts you off my hugging you tight.

"Just come be with me. I know what it's like to be alone."

"How? You have Yona and Hak, how do you know?"

"Because, when I'm at home, it feels as if I am invisible... Don't become like me. Stay with me."


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