-+- Hak -+-

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A/N: This is a re-write of one of my old OneShots as well as an AU

More Than Just Friends

You sat at the airport next to Hak. He was silent. He was staring at the window. He was sad. He was like that for about an hour now.

~~~ One Month Before ~~~
"Hak, (Y/N), I'm moving,"Yona said sadly looking at the two of you,"I don't want to go..."

"When are you leaving" Hak said,"where are you going," he moved closer grabbing her shoulders,"why, why, are you leaving?" He sounded sincere and very sad.

You just watched silently...

"Father's job told him he has to move someplace else, we're moving to Korea in a month," she says.

"Yona," you say," we understand that you have to move and we'll miss you so much, but we'll always find a way to talk to you, right,"

She nodded her head,"Yeah, you're right"

~~~ Present Time ~~~
You watched Hak stand up from the seat next to you, and just watched him press his head against the window slightly.

"Sh-she's really gone... Yona, she's gone..."

You walked up behind, him,"Hey, Hak, she'll come back and visit us, remember?" You state trying to cheer him up.

"It won't be for a long time, (Y/N)" he says to you coldly,"Not for a long time..."

You stayed silent. You wanted to hug him, snd comfort him, and say she'll be back soon, but you couldn't move or talk.

Hak realized what he did and turned around to face you,"(Y/N), I'm sorry, that was harsh,"

You blinked.


"S-sorry," you say,"I want to help you, but I'm not sure how I should,"

"(Y/N)," Hak says,"why not we go for a walk, okay?" He asks walking closer.

You nodded slightly,"Okay,"

It was silent for most of the walk, and it was freezing cold outside. Hak was looking around the park garden. Ou wanted to ask why, but you decided not to bother him.

"Hey, (Y/N), you're rather quiet today," he says placing a hand on your shoulder,"Is something wrong?"

You quickly shook your head,"N-no no! I just don't want to bother you that's all!"

He squinted his eyes at you, deciding weather or not he should believe you,"(Y/N), are you sure you're okay?"

"Of course I am," you say with a small smile,"you just, you know, were sad about Yona leaving, so I wanted to give you your space, and leave you alone for a bit," you say.

He looked at you with a puzzled look.

"I-I mean, it's just I feel like I bother you, Hak," you looked down," Sorry if I do,"

Hak quickly grabbed your arm and pulled you close,"If that's what you think, (Y/N), then please, bother me all you want," he says,"I love you," he says into your ear, and kissed you roughly

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