-+- Hak -+-

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"Hey, Hak!" You say running up to him. You were just 12 years old when you said this to him,"Where you going today?" You said from behind him.

"Mon-Dok's taking me to the Sky kingdom, because I'm the new general... Well soon to be new general." He says.

"You don't seem like you want the job huh?" You say crossing your arms.

"Well duh! What if I'm not strong enough, what if I disappoint everyone. I never even signed up for the job. It's like Mon-Dok adopts me and then BAM I'm going to be the new general."

"Well, you still have time to get stronger and you haven't disappointed me or Mon-Dok, or anyone here in the wind tribe. So I think you'll do just fine," You say with a smile," but I want you go come back safe okay?"

"Yeah, I promise." He says.

A month later he came back from the sky kingdom. You were happy to see him again.

"Hak!" You shouted running up to him.

"(Y/N)? Is that you? You grew a lot!" He says with a smile on his face.

"What do you mean by that Hak?"

"Nothing~~!" He says.

"So you really came back." You say leaning back and forth on your toes and heels like a child.

"I promised didn't I?" He says.

"You remembered!"

- Years Later -

"Hak, w-who is she?" You ask brushing the Crimson hair of the girl who passes out.

"Promise- No swear you won't tell anyone?" He says.

You nod and cross your heart with your free hand.

"Good. She's the princess of Kouka." He says in a low but very serious voice.

"This is princess Yona?" You ask surprised," I thought she was a weakling like you said last time you were here."

"What do you mean (Y/N)?" He asks won't a puzzled look on his face.

"Well I mean, to be able to make it here, after running away from the castle, through the woods, witness so many new things, people, that's got to be a lot."

"And your point is?"

You let out a sigh,"My point is, she's pretty strong to do something like that." You say.

"Like you..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"


"No, Hak. I want to know what do you mean this time." You say pushing on.

"What I mean is, it's pretty obvious that you like me," Hak says sternly.


"You can go months, hell you've gone around three years without having me around!"

".... Hak.... Who told you?"

"Tae-Woo." He answers bluntly.

"I'm gonna kill that son of a bi-" Hak grabbed your arm, pulled you in close and kissed you."

Your eyes widened in surprise, but you kissed back anyway.

You quickly pulled away and knew he was going to leave," Hak... Do me a favor... No, promise me, I'll see you again." You say.

"I promise."

AKATSUKI NO YONA ONE SHOTS.Where stories live. Discover now