-+- Yona -+-

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 Cute Little Transfer Student

It was just an ordinary day like usual. People would be chatting up a storm. The boys would be doing whatever boys would do, and the girls would be doing whatever girls would do. Oh, and genderless or genderfluids would be doing what they would do too. They all interacted with each other. Except for one girl. She had short red hair. She was cute and small. Her clothing looked like she came from a rather rich family. Was she a transfer? (Because Anime clichés are great) You decided to follow her. You tried looking casual as you followed her. Trying to make it look like you were going to the bathroom or to the school library to grab a book to read. But then she went into the headmaster's office. She was definitely a transfer student. She walked out and was holding her new uniform. She then ran to the bathroom to go get changed. You looked into the camera of your phone to check of your hair looked nice and stuff, and you found yourself looking finer than a mug.(sorry it's an inside joke)

"Who are you?" You heard a feminine voice say from behind you which made you jump a little.

"O-oh! Uh.. well.. um..." You struggled to get the words out of your mouth.

The red haired girl just stared at you," Well?"

"I'm first year (Y/N), I saw you and I really liked your red hair!" You say cheerfully hoping that you didn't sound like a creep.

However, they girl looked... quite offended," My hair...? Oh, but it's so messy at time, and it never abides to my orders." She complains.

"Well, I think your hair is very beautiful," You say again," It's like the sky at da-"

"NooooooOOOOOoooOo" She shouts," Everyone always says that!!! It's getting so cliché"

You were dumbfounded at how she would react to such nice comments," Well, not only your hair is just pretty. I think your complexion is really nice too."

"Of course~!" she replies to your comment happily," I only use the best."

'What a petty princess.. she's cute though.'

"I see."

After that, you tended to avoid her because you didn't want to awkwardly talk to her and accidentally offend her to the point she would whine your ears off. That was until the school festival. This school, was for rich peeps who would pay for stuff like in an auction. There were also races, games, and a petting zoo. You however were entered into the three legged race, where you were to partner up with some random person that you pulled out from a hat. You got some girl named Lili. 

"Who da frig is Lili?" You said to yourself. Turns out she was a girl kinda like Yona. Except with more common sense and less like a brat in your opinion. The two of you practiced for the three-legged race competition. Everything you went well, and you even got to know Lili a bit. She was a really nice girl. 

The day of the competition had arrived. 

"You know, I don't really feel like racing." She said over the phone. 

"H-huh?! But... we've trained for weeks, Lili!" You said raising your voice in shock.

She hung up the phone, and didn't even go to school that day. You were honestly very excited for the competition, but since she was unable to be there, you were left without a partner. You just sat on the bench, waiting for the race to start.

"Hey." Some girl said next to you,"you okay?" she asked. 

You didn't look at her. You just stayed staring down at the ground,"I'm fine." You say, with a slight bit of sadness in your voice,"My partner just didn't come today for the race."

She patted your back,"I know how you feel," 

"What do you mean?" You asked.

"My partner didn't come to the beauty contest today." She said,"I'm supposed to have a partner or else I won't be valid." 

You turn to the girl and noticed it was Yona. Her hair was cut much shorter than when you saw her the first time, but you thought it suited her. You gave her a smile and decided to be her partner for the beauty contest, if she would help you out with the race. 

At the end of the festival, the two of you sat together eating Takoyaki at the back of the school to get some alone time. 

"You've changed a lot, Yona." You say to her,"a-and I mean that as a compliment."

She let out a small cute laugh. It was the sound of pretty bells and the song of flowers mixed together,"Thanks." She said.

There was a moment of silence for a while. There was only the sound  cleaning up, and the sound of chewing your food. Until she spoke.

"Hey..." She said," Sorry for the way I acted the first time I met you. I thought about it myself and I realized how annoying it must have been for you. I really did start to change since my father's ... murder several months ago." 

"It's fine. Things can change people in good and bad ways." You say.

She smiled at you again,"Why not we start over and actually become friends."

"Yeah I like the sound of that." 

The two of you stood up and shook hands.

"Hi, I'm (Y/N), and I really like your hair."

"Thank you (Y/N)!" She exclaimed,"My name is Yona."

Little did you know, you would be more than just friends with the cute little transfer student.

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