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From Long Ago

When you were twelve years old you were chained all the way down to your feet. Ever since you were little. In a small room. You even had a "roommate" Jae-Ha. He was the only other person you ever spoke to... Other than the other Ryokuryuu. You only spoke to him when Garou wasn't around.

"Hey Jae-Ha?" You ask. As he was trying to break out of his chains once again. Soon there was blood coming out of his wrists.

"Yes?"He says turning toward you.

"You're beating yourself up trying to escape." You say.

"Well, (Y/N) what should I do then? Just wait until I grow old and lose my power?"

"No... It's just you always escape... Buy you're always being pulled down... I feel bad for you..." You look down. "I'm sorry I've gotten into your personal business... I'll just stay silent and go to sleep." You say turning around to face the corner of the wall.

"W-wait!..." Jae-Ha stops. He then goes to sleep himself.

At night you are woken up by a sudden noise... Of someone being hit. It was Jae-Ha!

"GAROU WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" You scream standing up as much as possible. He was just beating him up. Not knowing what to do.

"Are you finished?" Jae-Ha starts. He then breaks out of his chains easily... He got all of the Ryokuryuu's power in his leg. Jae-Ha even broke your chains. The fight went on. You hated to watch it. When Garou was on the ground...you finally stepped in.

"Jae-Ha, that's enough, it wouldn't be right to kill him." You say. Jae-Ha looks at you with sadness in his eyes, then turns back to Garou.

"Come with us." He says holding out his hand. Garou agrees. The three of you go outside to see several of the village people pointing arrows at you. Garou runs toward the villagers in attempt to help the two of you escape.Garou shouted hateful words but never really messed them.

"JAE-HA YOU IDIOT!" Jae-Ha run.

"WHO WOULD GO WITH THE LIKES OF YOU!" I wish to come, but I cannot.

"I HAVE ALREADY GOTTEN TIRED OF YOU! LEAVE!" You were the only person I could ever talk to, but I treated you badly.

"GO WHEREVER YOU WANT! FLY AWAY! I HATE THE LIKES OF YOU! IF YOU WERE GONE I WOULD BE SO HAPPY! GO WHERE EVER YOU WANT! IDIOT!"He was crying Garou was crying. Jae-ha grabs your arm and tosses you over his shoulder.

"We... Should go..."He takes one last look at Garou before taking a running start. Then off he goes. You think to your self what he really meant. Go wherever you want! Even if I hated you I still cared for you. If you were gone I would be happy for you, so go fly away! After several jumps the two of you were far away form your village, and you finally landed.

"J-Jae-Ha..." You say with tears falling from your eyes."You and I both know he didn't mean those thing...right?"

"Yeah..." He says sitting down.

"I'm so sorry..." You say hugging him.

"It's not your fault that he might be dead (Y/N)...it's mine." He says pulling away.

"Are you blaming y-" you were cut off by Jae-Ha's bruised lips connect with yours. When the two of you released you couldn't help but cry at what you had just seen not too long ago.

"Why not we take Garou's suggestion and go anywhere and everywhere we want." He says.

"...Alright..." You say looking down still blushing.

---+++---13 Years Later---+++---

You were looking out into the ocean when Jae-Ha jumped from behind you scaring you.


But even after all those years...

"You ready to go attack those ships?"

You never forgot Garou...

"Yes, always!"

And what he did for the two of you.

A/N THE FEELS!!! I just ugh it's so beautiful and yet so very sad!
;-; ;-; ;-; ;-;

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