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Far From Home

A/N This one shot might be really long so please forgive me.

Just run away

Far far away please just run

Just run away

--++--Five Years Later--++--

'17 years old... And I see them. Hak and Yona, they're alive... I thought Yona was dead... And Hak... He probably forgot me, but who the hell are those other two guys. I'll just leave them be.

You go off into town where you go buy little food. On your way you hear a poor girl getting harassed. You then see Hak and a Green haired man in Kai empire clothing attack the officers. You run then are grabbed by the wrist.

"Let. Me. Go." You say the the officer.

"Oh, now what are you going to do now young lady?" He says taunting you. In the background you hear a voice.

"There's another one getting harassed." Someone says from behind.

"No, not her, just watch..." You hear Hak say.

You slide your foot back." You asked for it." Then you side kick him in the ribs as hard as you could have making the officer go crashing into the ground.

"OI YOU! YOU WATCHED THE ENTIRE THING AND DON'T EVEN HELP ME YOU BASTARD!" You say. Then you notice the officer starting to get up."Ugh, you know why can't you just stay down." You walk up to him and stomp on his chest. You start to run. You are then followed by Hak, the green haired fellow, and the young lady. The four of you run into an ally way far from the officers out of breath to hide.

"Jeez those bastards don't know how to treat girls huh?" You say rolling your eyes. The young lady seemed to be very impressed my your act. You were looking into the distance not paying attention to what was going on behind you. When you turn around the green haired man was gone.

"Where the hell did greenie go?" You say crossing your arms.

"No idea. Well I'll be taking my leave now!" The young girl said walking away. You turn to Hak.

"You've gotten stronger." He says.

"Yeah I guess, what are you doing here on Awa?" You ask.

"How about you, where have you been for the past five years (Y/N)?!"

"I'be been here, the entire time here." You say.

"Yona would love to see you." He says grabbing your wrist and pulling you.

"YOU DIDN'T BUY ANYTHING?!" A boy a little younger than you yells at Hak.

"I happen to have some food, I am willing to share it with you." You cut in.

"Thank you, but are you sure you worked hard for the money to buy that food." The young boy says.

"Yes, I am sure, I can always shoot down some birds." You say handing over your bag of groceries then walk away. To speak to Yona.

"Wow... You  sure have grown Yona." You say.

"Yeah... Oh! Would you like to borrow my bow?"

"Sure," she hands over her bow to you. You take out an arrow and aim for the sky."And..." A bird flies by"THERE!" The arrow you launches was pulled back so far that it went straight through the bird.

"Wow!" Yona exclaims." That was AMAZING (Y/N)!" You hand back her bow and go look for the dead animal. You cook the bird, eat it for dinner then go to bed. The next morning you are again found by Hak and the man with the long green ponytail.

"What do you want?" You ask.

"Aren't the two of you interested in who's chasing me?" He says.

"More officers?" You and Hak say in unison. The man with the long ponytail takes you to a place. A place you absolutely do NOT want to be in.

"I. Am. Not. Putting. On. A. Dress." You say.

"What's wrong (Y/N) I would love to see you in a dress." Hak says teasing you.

"Hak, you jerk!" You say slapping his arm hard.

"Okay, okay I'm sorry."

"Holy crap, that hurt me more than it hurt you." You say feeling the burning sensation in your hand.

"Oh I see, the two of you are lovers?" The man with the long ponytail says

"What, no you idiot!" From behind you hear a voice.

"HEY, YOU WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE?!" The boy with strawberry blonde hair shouted. Then everything just became hectic.

The next at while walking back to Yona's campsite with Hak you are once again found by the green haired man who wanted to recruit you and Hak.

"As my grandfather's dying wish he told me to never speak to stranger." Hak's words hit you.

"HE'S DEAD?!" Hak elbows you. You had a mental 'oh'.

"Well my name is Jae-Ha, now we're not strangers. You were soon found by Yona. Then all of a sudden Jae-Ha got a fever.

"THERE HE IS THAT'S THE GREEN DRAGON!!!" The white haired man yells. Jae-Ha tries to run away but gets caught hold of by you and Hak.

"Not the Green Dragon huh?"

"Okay, you caught me I'm him." The both of you set him free. Then Yona explains why she wants him to join. He rejects her asking, and she simply agrees to what he wants.

--+--Several Days Later--++--

"How did I get dragged into this..." You say to yourself."Should I just leave this place. Kum-Ji's dead...but now what?" You turn around to see Hak just standing there with his arms crossed.

"You never told me why you ran away?" He says.

"I just wanted to explore the land!" You say.

"You do know everyone thinks you're dead right?" He says. "You're far from home, I even thought you were dead!" He walks closer to you, grabbing the top of your head by your hair.

"Ow! LET GO!" You say trying to release yourself from his grip. He pulls your head and came crashing into his lips. Then he lets you go.


"So you wanted to kiss me?" He says giving that weird grin he makes. [That grin when he was all like "Special? How am I special?" To Yona]

"Sh-Shut up!" You say turning around and walking away. He grabs you again this time by the shoulder and turns you around to hug you."H-Hak?"

"I missed you, (Y/N)."

"I missed you too."

A/N Why does everything start in Awa? Oh well, then thank you for reading this! Please comment n' stuff like that! Next up Kija! Let's hope this I do a good job. Making Kija one shots are kinda hard!

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