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Learning New Things

You were just walking through the forest as the usual traveler you are and run into.... Well snakes. You got bit several times in the leg and had a hard time walking. You just needed to find a good place for camp when you heard trouble. As in fighting. Blood was still falling from your leg, but you would be just fine with dying if you saved someone or a few people. You pulled out your bow and headed toward the sound. When you went there there were two men fighting and two people hiding. A man had grabbed a girl with bright red hair and tried hurting her.

"Let her go!" The boy next to her shouted. You drew back an arrow and shot the man's arm causing him to drop the girl. Your legs had already became numb and you dropped to your knees. The girl with the red hair approached you.

"Thank you for saving me... Um...'"

"(Y/N)...... My name's (Y/N)." You say.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N) I'm Yona and-" she cut herself off."Are you alright (Y/N) you leg is bleeding a lot.

"What, let me see." The boy behind Yona says. Yona moves aside reveling a boy with strawberry blonde hair and blue eyes.

"That's Yun, he's the one who leads us all in the right direction, and takes care of us." Yona explains.

"Um... Nice to meet you, Yun." You say. There was blood still falling from your legs.

"Mind if I ask you a question? What did you do?! These look like bites... From snakes!" He exclaims.

"W-well... I was just walking and I... Ran-"

"Into snakes. Let me guess, you provoked them?" Yun says cutting you off.

"Yeah.... Heh, I stepped on one of their's tail...." You says trailing off.

"What a pain, I'm gonna have to wrap theses up!"

"Thanks... Yun." You say looking down. After Yun wraps up the bites, you do your best to stand up. You stumble a little, but you were still able to stand up and walk. Yona then introduces you to the rest of the group and calmly say hello. You decided to follow along on their journey.... Also because you felt as if you owed Yun. One night you decided to watch Yun cook.

"Wow, I've never been good at cooking soup. Can you give me a few tips?" You ask sitting next to him.

"Sure I guess, what do you want to know?" He says.

"How long do you have to heat the water?"

"Well for this particular soup, 15 minutes, but it really depends on  you're putting in the soup and what kind of soup." He says.

"Wow, you really know a lot, Yun." You say inching closer. Yun slightly turns red.

"W-well yeah, I have a clumsy priest to take care of at home so I've mastered a lot." He says turning away.

"Oh, it must be nice to have someone that's your family..." You say trailing off.

"What, what do you mean?" Yun asks in a concerned voice looking at you straight in the eye.

"I-it's just that... I don't remember my parents much anymore... And well... I just learned.... Everything I know now today by myself... So...."

"You don't have to tell me (Y/N) it's fine."

"But I want to at least get it out there...so I might as well tell you..." You say looking down at the scars that were left on your legs. "Yun, I'm sorry... Icaused you a lot of trouble since the day we've met and-" you were cut off by Yun bringing his lips to yours. Your eyes widened. When it ended you were still really red, and so was Yun, but you tried to laugh it off.

"I like you... A lot (Y/N), so don't worry about me having to take care of you." Yun whispers into your ear.

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