-+- Yun -+-

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The Boy, The Girl, and The Letter

You had just moved into a new high school as a first-year student. Finding your classes were a pain, and the school was huge. After all, you're part of the best schools in all of Japan. You were busy wondering around school when you ran to a boy with strawberry blonde hair, and blue eyes. He looked as he was also in your grade."Uh, excuse me," He says," are you lost?"

"Huh? Oh, yeah.  It's my first day here. Can you show me to class 1-A, please?" You ask him.

"U-uh sure. I'm headed there myself." He says with a small smile," I'm Yun. Nice to meet you."

"I'm (Y/N). Pleased to meet you, Yun." You say. The both of you quickly walk to your class. Yun took his seat, and you were told to stand in the front.

"Class," Your homeroom teacher says,"This is (Y/N). She'll be in our class for the rest of the year. Everyone, say hello." Everyone greets you and then are told to sit next to that boy. Yun.

"Funny seeing you again, Yun." You say playfully.

He let out a small chuckle," Yeah, I guess so." He then quickly turned away and hid his face. You were a bit confuzzled but just paid attention to what was going on in class.

When it was time for lunch, you wondered around to find the roof, to eat your bento. You were surprised to see Yun once again."Yun!" You call out to him. He turns around to face you.

"Oh, H-hey (Y/N)," Yun says walking over to you,"I'm finding you everywhere today." He says.

You let out a small laugh," Yeah, from the morning to class, to even now."

Yun motions you to sit next to him on the bench," Don't you want to eat your lunch?" He asks. You sit next to him.

"Thanks." You say then eat what you had packed. A small rice ball. Yun looked a but concerned at what you were eating and sighs.

"Is that all you're going to eat? Oh know you're going to need more than just that." He says. Yun takes out an Ongiri and placed it into your bento," There, you can have that. Bring more lunch next time." He says.

You look down and slightly blush,"Thanks... Yun." You say.

"N-not a problem." He says,"Just please try to bring a bit more." He says.

You nod your head in agreement,"Yeah, I'll try."

The two of you finished your lunch, and headed off to class.

Several weeks later after getting used to  the entire school. You would often eat lunch up on the roof, and always got into class on time. One day you went to school and opened your locker. In your locker was a love letter with neat handwriting. You recognized it. But who's was it?

Dear (Y/N),
Please meet me on the roof of the school at the end of class as soon as you can.


You wanted to know who had been liking you from afar. You just had to wait. At lunch, you ate with Yun as usual, but notice how he was quieter than usual. You were a bit confused, but you just continued eating silently next to him.

At the end of the day, you quickly walked up the stairs to the roof, and saw Yun leaning against the fence gate.

"H-hey... (Y/N)." He says walkin over to you. His face was red, and he was looking down at the floor.

"Hello Yun." You say.

Yun takes a deep breath," From
The first day I ran into you, I didn't know it would come to this. After several weeks of getting to know you, I started to like you more. My heart sometimes  beats faster when I'm around you. I didn't understand these feeling, but now I know. I like you, please will you accept me feelings?" Yun asks.

You look at him with a small smile and hug him,"Of course Yun."

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