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"Damn it, Hak!" You say kicking his shin as hard as you could, but him being the rock-hard bastard he is, you felt immense pain in your foot.

"Well, I'm sorry it's not my fault the princess went looking for trouble."

"Oh hell yeah it was! You left her with Lili, Ayura, and Tetora with Yun, Zeno, and Shin-Ah! Now... She's..... There." You say stopping.

"What about you? You were busy sleeping." He says walking past you.

"I wasn't sleeping! I had a fever... And I still do... Jeez, my head really hurts." You say. "But... Yona is my friend and I won't just abandon her, that's why I'm not going to just let you and the guy's rescuer her for yourself now can I?"

"Hmm, is that so (Y/N)~Dear? Jae-Ha says from behind you."Who else would you save... Besides Yona?"

"You're using that perverted voice again. Anyways," you say closing your eyes" I would save every one of you. Even if I despised you, I would save you."

"Well there you go Hak, she likes you back," Jae-Ha says.

"Yeah... WAIT WHAT?!" You shout turning red. "N-NO I DON'T!!" You say jumping back from Hak and Jae-Ha. You noticed how Zeno, Yun, Kija, and Shin-Ag were just silently walking behind the two 'buffoons' who were laughing. "I hate the two of you, and we still need to get to Yona." You say running up ahead, Pulling out a dagger.

A/N To be honest... This was pretty bad... One shot... Plus I'm on writer's block so I need someone to comment an idea on what to write for Kija. Thanks!

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