-+- Tae-Woo -+-

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« In His Shadow »

It had been several months since Hak had resigned as general of the Wind Tribe and left the capital of Fuuga for good taking Lena* along with him.

"Wow look at you being a fancy General. This is the hardest I've seen you work, Tae-Woo." You say teasing him.

"Yeah well, I have to start training harder now because of that fact." Beads of sweat dripped down his face as he gripped his sphere tighter.

"You're been training since three in the morning. Take a break and eat something." You said to him.

"(Y/N), I'll be done in a minute." He said and he swung his sphere causing it to whistle through the air.

"I said take a break and eat something right now!!" You shouted walking closer to him.

"Alright. Fine. Whatever you say." Tae-Woo leans his sphere against a nearby wall and sits down on the ground.

You hand him freshly cooked fish from a merchant that stopped by and set down the basket of food you brought with you.

"If you got fish, then did Tae-Yeon* get his medicine?"

Smiling, you nodded,"He's able to breathe easily today. I wish the poor kid would stop over working himself."

"Yeah." Tae-Woo sighed as he sat  next to you eating some of the vegetables with the fish you brought.

"Just like you. You're going to train so hard, that one day you'll just collapse into my arms." You put the back of your hand on your forehead and acted like you had just fainted.

Tae-Woo just laughed along with you and said,"Why wait till I collapse?" He playfully laid on your lap letting you feed him some grapes.

"But really, don't train yourself like that. I understand that it's practice and all but.."

"I have to train hard and improve my skills if I want to protect the wind tribe, (Y/N)."

"Yes, but it's not good to be skipping meals to train for hours straight. No matter how hard you train, you can never improve without having a proper meal." You fed him a few more grapes.

"I'll be fine. Alright?" Swallowing the grapes, his voice became serious,"You go do what you were doing before. I'm going to keep practicing."


"I'll be fine." He picked up his spear from the ground and turned away.

Several days had past since then. It was a hot day out, and by the time the sun had reached it's peak it had gotten so hot that even the rabbits had hidden away from the heat.

You mother asked you to go down to the river and gather some water. Reluctantly, you picked up a bucket and walked down, holding it over you head to shield you from the sun.

You lived on one of the higher parts of Fuga's* mountains, do by the time you made it to the river at the bottom, you were drenched in sweat.

"Wow, you look... terrible, (Y/N)..." you heard a familiar voice say.

You collected water in the bucket and looked up,"Back from the coronation so soon, Tae-Woo?" You asked.

"Yeah, Mundok went ahead without me" he said,"I should have brought you along. Most of Soo-Won's crowning coronation was just this guy saying some traditional coronation stuff. You would have kept me entertained."

You laughed a little," I can keep you entertained now!"

"Yeah, like this!" He shoved his hand into the water and splashed you.

"Hey!" You shouted splashing him.

This went on for a few minutes until you decide to kick his leg causing him to fall into the water. He then grabbed your arm and pulled you into the water as well.

The two of you laughed and moved out of the river.

"I hope we'd be able to laugh like this everyday again."

"Yeah well.." he started.

"Well, what?" You ask.

"I'll have to start training harder soon."

"There you go again, talking about how much you need to train."

"It's true! I'm General now, remember?"

"Even a General needs a break from time to time. Ever since you became general you been training non-stop for hours. You even forget to eat!"


You cut him off,"No. Stop. I get it, protecting the country, the kingdom, the tribe, whatever, is important, but you need to think of yourself too."

"(Y/N).. it's not that I don't want to take care of myself," he sighs,"I really do, it's just that every responsibility has suddenly be given to me. Protecting the country, the kingdom, our tribe... you.."

You watch him sit down and stare into the river,"I don't know if I can do it. I've always been in Hak's shadow and now that he's off who knows where, all eyes are on me."

"So that's why you've been training so hard." You say placing a hand on his shoulder,"Well you know, even Ex-General Hak eats three square meals a day, you can too. I'll even cook for you everyday, how's that?"

He pulls you down and hugs you,"Thanks."

"For what?" You ask shifting yourself closer.

"Talking to me," He places a gentle kiss on your forehead.

You look up to him with a smile and kiss him, this time on the lips,"You're welcome."

The two of you stood up and walked back up the mountain, holding hands.

"So, everyday?" He asks you.

"If I have time, Tae-Woo."

"Everyday means everyday*"

Hey y'all, make sure to let me know if there are any typos. Thanks!!

Lena - Remember most of the people in the wind trip (excluding Mundok, Tae-Woo, and Hak) at the time thought Yona's real identity was "Lena" (or Rina depending on what you hear... because in Japanese りhas a mixed sound of R, L, and D)

Tae-Yeon - For those of you who don't remember, Tae-Yeon is Hak's adopted younger brother.

Fuga- Capital of the Wind Tribe

Everyday means everyday - Does anybody get what I was referencing? Yes? No?

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