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Love & Wars

You wake up in the morning, against a tree. You placed your sword in its sheath, slipped your knife in your boot, and tied your waist with a white ribbon. You then walk to Awa and were later ambushed by several Officers while walking into a quiet part of town. You were able to fight most of them but got your sword hit out of your hand. Out of nowhere a man with long green hair comes helping you fight. You grabbed you sword and slashed at the officers making them run off. You lean back on a wall taking a breath when the man with green hair grabs your arm and tosses you over his shoulder.

"What are you doing?!" You scream.

"I have to show you to The Captain." He says then jumps up high into the air. He jumps on several houses, then lands on a ship. The man lets you off his shoulders making you punch his face so hard he falls over with a nose bleed. You step on his face.

"You take me here without warning, don't even ask me, and you Touched me... You PERVERT!!!" You scream. The man stands up wiping his nose.

"I'm sorry for not having the introduction to you Miss, but my name is Jae-Ha, and-" Jae-Ha was cut off.

"You brought a girl this time?" You turn to see a woman and old one in fact.

"Ah, Captain Gi-Gan I brought this girl today for you to recruit!" Jae-Ha says, poking you to move forward. Captain Gi-Gan takes a look at you.

"Here take this brat here and pin him to the wall." She pauses "if you can do that you can go on in." This challenge is going to be fun you think.

The blonde haired boy had a grin on his face. You grab your sword and slash at him making him jump back; you drop your sword then quickly pin him to the wall. Then you hear a series of claps behind you. You're tapped on the back by Captain Gi-Gan, you set the boy free and turn around.

"Welcome aboard! Jae-Ha, you chose a genuine person." She says, then just walks seats. You turn to Jae-Ha to speak to him.

"Jae-Ha, what exactly do we do here?" You ask.

"I'll tell you if you'll tell me your name." He says as he walks closer to you.

"My name is (Y/N)..." You say.

"Nice to meet you (Y/N). Well, what we do here is mess with Yan Kum-Ji and the ships that come by. By doing that, we've gotten the names of Pirates." He says with a smile on his face.

"Okay then...I'm gonna go back to Awa for some food." You say walking over to the edge of the ship.

"You're gonna jump?" He says from behind with a confused face.

"Yeah, I'm gonna swim back." You say. Jae-Ha picks you up and jumps for the shore. You slap him across the face.

"You didn't ask me!!" You yell at him. "That's it" you grab you sword.

"What are you gonna do with that?" He says in a concerned tone.

"I'm gonna cut that ponytail of yours." You say waving your sword around in a stupid manner.

"Okay, okay, I'll ask next time, just don't cut the hair." He says as he put his hands up in surrender. You place your sword away and walk into town. Jae-Ha just follows you.

"Hey pervert how long are you going to accompany me?" You ask.

"Until I can take you home." He says as he walks next to next to you.

"Okay...then I'm gonna go and buy some food."

"You want me to buy it?" Jae-Ha asks.

"No, no I'm fine." You say walking into the shop. You buy a loaf of bread, and some cooked fish. You walk out of the shop and see a carriage holding Yang Kum-Ji. Jae-Ha picks you up then jumps onto the roof of a house.

"I know you told me to ask...but..." You cover his mouth.

"If he's here, you don't need to ask...but don't carry me bridal style." You say climbing out of his arms. When the carriage passes you jump done the house landing in a perfect downward position.


That night Jae-Ha walks with you home, then you go to bed. In the morning you wake up, walk out of your tent then see Jae-Ha.


"I stayed outside overnight." He says. You give him a look. "Don't worry I didn't do anything weird last night." He says cautiously. Either way, you still slapped him upside the head.

"Why not you just sleep on the ship? If you sleep there, you won't have to sleep with a knife by your bed." He says with a smile.

"Okay to straight to the point why are you here and why did you stay overnight?" You ask in an agitated tone.

"I was going to keep you safe." He says.

"Why, Jae-Ha you know I can fend for myself why would you even bother?"

"I always make it a top priority to keep every woman safe... Also, the Captain wants you on the ship by morning." He says. You jump on his back placing your arms over his shoulders; he then jumps up into the air. About six or seven jumps later you were at the ship where everyone was planning an ambush on one ship, with the usual amount of men...30. Haven't they been sinking ships for such a long time? After the plan had been finished, you went to speak to Jae-Ha.

"You've been sinking ships for a while right? Don't you think they would have had extra people, and know your bad habits? Not to mention your voices?" I pause." If you guys don't find a way to attack without anyone alerting Kum-Ji, then that will be a problem. Even if they do alert him, you have been careful that he doesn't find us, right?"

"Y-you're right..." He trails off.

"Why are you stuttering? It's just normal for me to take precautions." You say crossing your arms.

"(Y/N), you are amazing." He says."Hey, you could even pass as the daughter of the captain."

"Huh? Oh, I don't know about that..." You say trailing off. The Captain comes out of nowhere telling you that you actually could pass as her daughter.

"Alright you brats, we're ambushing... TONIGHT!" She says, and walks over to the edge of the deck.




Later that night everyone went and ambushed the ship. All went well, and you guys managed not to kill anyone, but just sink their ship. After that night Jae-Ha told you to follow him to some unknown place promising not to do anything weird. You came anyway. There he played his erhu. It was a beautiful sound too. Wonderful even.

"Wow, that's amazing...well I should get going now." You say standing up. Jae-Ha grabs your hand.

"Stay, it's a beautiful night, and I like to spend it with a lady."

"Then find another one." You say trying to pull away.

"Oh come on (Y/N)-Dear please stay." He says making puppy dog eyes.

"Don't add dear to the end you pervert." You say still trying to pull away. Jae-Ha pulls the arm he grabbed pulling you closer.

"Please?" He says in a soft voice. He sits you down. You felt numb. Jae-Ha sits next to you, then pulls you closer. "You're tired, right? Then go to sleep."

"You said you wouldn't do anything creepy" You whine.

"But you're agreeing with it." With that, he pulls you to his lips kissing you softly.

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