-+- Yona -+-

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« Summer Festival »

There was a certain red haired girl in your class. She wasn't the smartest or the prettiest, but she was extremely popular with many of the students.

Yona. The princess of the school, you could say.While most would  think she is an arrogant *young mistress who cares for nobody other than herself, she's actually the complete opposite. Sure, before she was, but after the death of her father that occurred in the middle of the night, she changed.

She began to work hard so that she would be able to take over her father's company that her older cousin ran since she was too young for such a responsibility.

You on the other hand were a very anxious person who stared out into space most of class and took naps during lunch.

The two of you had been in the same class for several years, but only now you began to notice her. Yona's hair was cut short into a bob, she had gained some form of muscle, and even looked a little more approachable than before. She was so cute!!!

You began looking at her more closely. Not in a stalker-ish way but in the way of a curious person. Eventually you developed feelings and have been internally suffering because dealing with emotions is fricken hard and you and basically asking for help at this point.

Eight days till the summer festival and you still hadn't ask anyone to go with you. By anyone, you mean Yona.

You laid your head down on your desk during clean up and whined. "Aghh... I can't go alone... I'll be so..."


You jumped and looked up. It was Yona. "Ah!! Uh, yes!" You realized how awkward you sounded and cleared your throat and straightened your posture a bit, "Yeah, the summer festival is coming soon and I have nobody to go with."

"Oh... that's such a shame." She said, "Do you want to go with me? I don't have anyone to go with either."

Your eyes lit up, "Yeah! Sure!!"

Score! You didn't even have to ask her yourself snd die of embarrassment!

The next day you woke up in the morning and realized how absolutely fucked you were.

You had little information on this girl, she probably decided to go to the festival with you out of pity, and will probably be very awkward and silent.

Today was Saturday. You had one week till the festival and you had to think about conversation topics that may interest her and make things not suck for the both of you.

"Okay.. okay... what to do... what to talk about..." You said to yourself.

Today was Monday. You spend the whole weekend planning how things would go about. The best case scenario and the worse case scenario. The best case was that you learn a lot about her and become close friends. While confessing your love for Yona is also an option you decided that you'd wait on that.

After all, you just started talking to this really cute girl who you've known about for several years but have never really approached. Confessing your love so suddenly would startle her or worse, make her feel used.

"(Y/N)?" Your thoughts were interrupted by Yona who noticed you were laying on your desk staring into the wall.

You slowly sat up, "Y-yeah?"

She gave you a cheerful smile, "Thank you for letting me join your on Saturday."

You did your best to smile politely and not smile like a little kid who's talked to their crush for the very first time, "N-no problem!! I'm very glad to take you! Should we exchange numbers so we can talk about where to meet up?"


After exchanging numbers and talking about hoe excited the both of you were for the coming event, you continued to stare out the window of the classroom.

Outside you saw small butterflies circling each other until finally settling down  on a flower. Now if only the butterflies in your stomach would settle down like that as well.

The night of the festival came and you sat on a bench right outside the entrance staring down at your phone pretending to be waiting for a call or something of that sort.

"(Y/N)!" A voice called.

When you looked up you saw Yona in a purple yukata with pretty flower designs all over it and a pink obi. Her hair was half up kept together with a beautiful hair stick. She was so cute!!

"Yona! I didn't realize that you'd come in a yukata. I feel a little out of place now..."

"No it's alright! I've never worn one before so I asked a friend of mine to help me out. It was actually my mom's. Should we go in?"

You nodded your head and led her inside.

During the festival the two of  you watched dances and played some games. Even you were able to relax.

"Hey, Yona, why did you agree to coming to the festival with me?" You asked getting genuinely curious with her choice of joining you.

She sat down on the edge of some stairs and moved over to the side so you could have room yourself, "Well, I like you. Like in a romantic sense if that phrase seems misleading."

You felt yourself heat up and turn red. You felt all your emotions come at you all at once. It was overwhelming. It actually made you cry.

"I... like you too! I really do!" You said through your tears, "I just get overly anxious about it... and I've never felt like this before...  I don't know what go do.."

She placed a hand on yours, "Just take your time. Okay?"

You nodded and held her hand.

Suddenly, the butterflies had settled down inside you. It was a wonderful night.

* young mistress - yes, i took that straight from MDZS

So! I'm glad that you finished this one shot and are reading to the very very end! I have a very important announcement! This is the second to last chapter of this book and I wanted to say that I am very grateful for meeting all of yall on wattpad! Thank you for letting me tell my stories on here for I think FOUR YEARS ALREADY!! However, I think it is now time for me to put a close on this book.

I STILL REALLY LOVE YONA OF THE DAWN! I'm not closing this book because of getting bored of the series, im closing this book because I'm moving!

I actually want to expand the things I write and start making stories of my own, but while I could be doing all that stuff on this account, I just want to move on from here!

I miss all the friends I made on here and the comment spams that had occurred, but honestly most of y'all disappeared on me and I was alone haha!

Anyways, I'm moving to lacrimosamellilla !

Like I said it will mostly focus on my own stories with my own characters! I will try to do daily stuff to talk to you guys! There's nothing up yet, but there will be soon!


So yes! Come and find me there.

I'll see you at my paradise.

- Yuuchii

AKATSUKI NO YONA ONE SHOTS.Where stories live. Discover now