-+- Jae-Ha-+-

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The Help You Need

You were just pulling a carriage filled with a bunch of baskets of food, when you were attacked by a few officers.

"Let me go!" You shout trying to pull away. You had a little but of strength, but noT enough."HELP!!!" You called out as loud as you could. You could only hope for someone to hear you, and save you. You then see a shadow, that had the shape of a human. The figure landed, and fought off the officers. There was one officer left, that grabbed you by the wrist. You then use all of your strenght, and punched him straight in the face

"Wow, that was a punch." The man with green hair said.

"Yeah, thanks for helping me out." You say.

"What's your name, I'm Jae-Ha." He says with a small smile.

"I'm (Y/N), nice to meet ya." You bring out your hand for him to shake.

He shakes your hand."Where are you going with that waggon of yours?" He asks.

"Huh? Oh, well," you start to whisper."I give out free food to the poor children." I say.

"Oh, a kind hearted girl." He says.

"How would you like it if you joined my crew?" He asks.

"Crew? Are you part of that band of pirates that sink those ships?" You ask.

"Yes, indeed (Y/N), I am part of them."

"I see... Well, I'll consider your offer once I get these baskets of food."

"One more thing, (Y/N)!" Jae-Ha calls out just before you walk aways with your waggon. You take a glance at him."Meet me tonight at the mountain." H says, then jumps away.


Later that night, you walked up the mountain, and listen to Jae-Ha play his Ehru. It was a good night.

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