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Look at Me

"Shin-Ah!" You called out as he came with the pile of wood. The camp that the Gang had made was just a nice simple camp with one tent. Most people would have wanted to sleep in the tent...but that was for Yona and Yun, but you... You liked to sleep outside where the moon and the stars were out. "Let me help you" you ran up to Shin-Ah grabbing a small stack.

"T-thank you...(Y/N)" he says.

"Oh, not a problem! I'm just happy to help!" You were the cheerful type the one who would make people smile... Well except Shin-Ah. He was a different story. He never smiled.... He never laughed and he would seldom look at you. You never knew why... But you always figured that he hated you... And you wanted that to change. You decided to hang around him and help him as much as possible, but he still never looked at you. He would look at you for a few moments, then would avert his eyes if you a turned to look at him. When ever you spoke to him he would look down. That night you stayed up late to watch the stars. Shin-Ah was also awake.

"Hey!" You say cheerfully.

"......................................................................................................................... Hello....................... (Y/N)" he finally says.

"Shin-Ah....do you hate me?" You say after a long time of not knowing.

".............No. Not you (Y/N)" he says looking straight up.

"Then why don't you ever look at me? You always look away whenever I come near!"

"I don't hate you... So please, calm down."

"Prove it! Just look at me!" You say finally snapping. Shin-Ah grabs your head and pulls your lips to his. Your eyes widen. —Why? Why is he doing this?— you think to yourself. When he pulls away you just had to ask."S-Shin-Ah....why?"

"Because I love you, (Y/N) I want you to know that. I know I never look at you because I'm too shy at admit it... I'm sorry, but I really do love you."

A/N Daaaaw now wasn't that just cute? Anyway if you haven't seen my latest chapter of my Updates, Rages, and Other Random Crap book go check it out because there is a chapter that pertains to this book. If you're too lazy then the chapter is basically if I should add other character OneShots which will be a pain but who cares! If it makes you happy then I will be happy too!

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