-+- Zeno x Kaya -+-

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"Thank you for everything. Let's meet again, above the skies.."


I feel so alone without you by my side. I wish our time with each other was much longer. I begged and pleaded to the gods that you would live the night before you died.


Why did you have to die?

Do the gods want to tear us apart? I wish I could hear them. Are they laughing at me? For being foolish to fall for a human while I am a monster who defies death itself. What was that terrible sickness that took you away. You could have lived so much longer..


It's been hundreds of years.. maybe more.. maybe less... since I've heard your voice. Felt your touch. Seen you smile. I remember the times we had together to vividly. Oh... the things I would do just to bring you back.

Hey.. Kaya..

Do you remember when we first met?

I hadn't eaten in days. I was shot by arrows in the back. I fell off the side of a mountain. I was unconscious. You said you found me in the woods with blood stained all over my clothes. You thought I was going to die... but you took me in you home anyways. You took care of me. Gave me new clothes and went out to bring food for me. I woke up to you breaking your door down and panicking thinking that you stole my necklace that the king gave me all those years ago.

At that time.. all I wanted to do was die. You offered me food.. but I didn't care to eat it. I'm sorry. I know you just wanted to help me.

That night, I woke up to you coughing up blood. Yeah.. that's how I remember it. I tried carrying and and I felt so weak. A few months passed and we were working for your medicine. You taught me how you talked to yourself and you used your own name to refer to yourself. I even use that today even after all those years.

One night.. you had another coughing fit. You had trouble breathing. You told me you were sorry for having me stay longer. You told me to leave because you were afraid that I would become sick like you. But I didn't. I held onto your hand and I asked you to marry me.

You said yes.

I remember how you turned red and you cried. You felt so happy that I would stay by your side.

Not very long passed until I found myself outside of your home while you were asleep pleading to the god to let you live. I said that I would be the Ouryuu's servant forever as long as he let you live. Did the gods hear me? Did they care? I'd lost the king. I'd lost my very best of friends before I was able to visit them. I didn't want to lose you too!

I was at your side when you died. You hand inside of mine.

"Thank you for everything. Let's meet again, above the skies." are the last words you said, before leaving this world.

I held your hand for years until you were just bone. Then I finally decided to leave.

I'm so very sorry that I may never meet you again..
but even so.. I swear to you.. no matter how many years pass.. no matter how many people I meet.. I will never forget you and the things we did together.

Rest well my love,

I wandered the land for a very long time until I saw a bright red star. Was that a sign, Kaya? Would another king be reborn? Was that my purpose?

Yes. I'm sure of it. Zeno's sure of it!

Please keep smiling.
I'm always watching you.

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